Buttons For Eyes? Part 2 (Request)

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Warnings: Let's just say yes and move on with our lives it is too late at night to deal with this right now

Age: 9

Word Count: 1,283

Requests: Closed

Summary: What will happen next now that you have moved in with your other parents?

Requested by: EveAngela9

Date: 06/03/23

A/N: Read part 1 first for this to make sense.


It has been nearly two weeks since you left home and moved in with your other parents.

You missed your real parents every day and you wondered if they missed you too. You hoped that if they were missing you they wouldn't be missing you too much.

You loved all the attention that you were getting from your other parents and all the new stuff that they were giving you but something was missing and that something was the rest of your family.

Your other mother told you that you weren't allowed to leave the garden but she didn't say why and you didn't want to ask.

There was something frightening about your other mother even your other father was scared of her. Your real mother could be scary when she wanted to be but even with all the times she neglected and ignored you she never once made you or your real father feel scared.


You were sitting in the garden pulling out pieces of grass thinking about your real parents when your other mother came over and sat down next to you.

"I sensed you were sad. What's wrong?"

"You shrugged your shoulders "Nothing."

"Don't lie to me Y/N. You know I don't like it when you lie to me."

"Yes, I know I'm sorry."

"Good now tell me what's really wrong."

"I miss my real parents." You mumbled

"You can't be talking about those people who neglected and abandoned you are you?"

She asked. "Those people don't deserve you."

"I just want to let me know that I'm okay." You said quietly.

"They don't care about you Y/N not like me and your father do."

"Can't I just send them a letter or something so I don't have to see them?"

"No Y/N." She suddenly snapped at you for the first time ever. "I don't want to hear another word about them okay." She stood up and walked back to the house leaving you alone.


During dinner, you spend the whole time playing around with your food and didn't eat any of it.

"We don't play with our food in this household Y/N it's not good manners you should know better." Your other mother said.

You sighed and dropped the fork onto the plate.

"What's up with this one?" Your other father asked pointing his knife at you.

"I want to see my real parents. Why won't you let me see them?" You asked turning your head towards your other mother.

"Not this again Y/N especially not during dinner." Your other mother sighed.

"I want to see them." You raised your voice slightly.

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