Introducing Little Widow

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Natasha Romanoff x Child Reader

Warnings: None

Age: 4

Word Count: 907

Requests: Open

Summary: You want to be just like your mom.

A/N: Why do I get all my best writing done late at night when I have to be up early in the morning?


"Mommy, mommy" You shouted running to the common room with a sheet of paper in her hand.

You stopped in your tracks to look around but she wasn't there. Before your little brain could process you got scooped up and you let out a small shriek then you started getting ticked.

"No mama, stop, it tickles." You said in between giggles whilst trying to push your mom's hand away.

She instantly stopped tickling you. She shifted you so she could hold you more safely and she held you resting on her hip.

She carried you over to the sofa and she sat down and put you on her lap.

"What you got there, baby?" She asked.

You handed her the now crumpled paper.

She read the note over quickly

"Oh, you have a dress-up day on Friday and you can be anyone you like ." She read aloud cutting out all the boring information.

"Do you have an idea on who you want to dress up as?" She asked you.

You thought deeply then your entire face lit up when you thought of someone.

"I want be you." You told her.

Natasha was instantly touched by the thought that you wanted to dress up as her.

"Aw, baby, you want to dress up as mama?"

You nodded your head.

"You are just the cutest." She said hugging you and kissing your head and cheeks.


It was Thursday night you were up in your room getting ready in the costume that your mom and Tony made for you.

Everyone was down in the common room waiting for your grand entrance and your Uncle Clint was with you helping you.

"You remember what to do?" Clint asked you taking your hand and carefully leading you down the steps.

"Yes, Uncle Clint." You said excitedly.  You have been practising this little routine all week and you couldn't wait to show everyone.

Clint left you waiting around the corner you weren't to come out till he said one specific word.

"Introducing little widow." He announced.

And that was your cue.  You ran into the common room did a little jump and landed in your mom's signature pose.

Everyone clapped and cheered for you

"Such a little poser, just like her mom," Yelena said nudging Natasha's arm with her elbow.

"Did you teach my daughter that pose?" Natasha asked

"Yup." She responded not even attempting to deny it.

You got up from the pose and you saw that your mom was kneeling on the floor with her arms open wide.  You ran to her and into her arms.

She put her hands on your shoulders and gently pushed you away from her so she could get a good look at you.

"You look so adorable." She told you

"Thanks, mama," You gave her a toothy grin.

You felt a hand on your head and you looked up it was Tony.

"Look what I've made you." He said kneeling to your level.

You turned yourself around so you were facing him.

He gently placed a black bracelet like object on both of your wrists.

Your mom shot him a look as to say 'did you really give a 4-year-old widow bite?'

"Don't worry they're fake," Tony reassured Nat.

You heard footsteps coming from behind you and they belonged to Steve and Sam who were coming back from a mission.

You looked straight at Sam and you lifted your arm like what you've seen your mom do and aimed it at him.

"Pew." You said pretending to blast them at Sam

He played along and pretended like he just got hit.

"Got you." You giggled.

"Good job, kid," Tony lifted his hand and you gave him a high five then he stood up and walked over to a nearby chair.

Steve walked over to you and Nat and he took his shield off his back

"What do you think?" He asked as he placed it in front of you.

"Silly daddy, mommy, doesn't have a shield." You told him off pushing it away from you.

"That's right, baby, you tell him." Nat agreed with you then she got up and sat back on the sofa.

Steve placed the shield on the ground leaning it against the sofa leg then sat on the empty spot next to Natasha.

You tried to climb up on your dad's lap but you were struggling. He lifted you up and lowered you on this lap and he gave you a big hug.

You saw your uncle Bucky walk in and you wanted to show him your costume you squirmed trying to get out of the hug and Steve let go of you and put you on the floor.

You ran over to Bucky with your arm in the air trying to shoot up but he kept on dodging it.

He got around you and lifted you up in the air whilst turning you upside down and started to spin you started to let out happy screams.

Your mom was anxiously watching you but she knew that you were safe with Bucky and she loved it when you were in a silly mood


It was the Friday afternoon. You mom picked you up from school and you came home with the first place best costume certificate and a lot of different types of candy.

You absolutely loved your black widow costume and you never wanted to take it off.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now