First Steps

4.4K 127 5

Warnings: Small human
Age: 1
Word Count: 1,847
Requests: Closed
Summary: You have given your mom a special birthday surprise.
Requested by: No one this was all me
Date: 07/06/2022
A/N: Sorry it's taking me so long to get everybody's requests done I have struggled to find the motivation to write and I feel like I'm losing interest in it.


It was the morning of Natasha's birthday and she got woken up early morning by the sound of her one-year-old daughter babbling away next to her.

"Good morning Моя любовь (my love) Natasha said running her fingers through your knotted red hair.

She leaned over, picking you up then bringing you over to her and placing you down so you were straddling her stomach.

As Natasha was trying her best to untangle your hair with her fingers you were playing around with the strap of her tank top

She had finally managed to get the remaining knots out of your hair. She would love to know what you do in your sleep to manage to get it tangled like how it was.

She also has to spend every morning detangling your hair since she knows if she was to try to brush it you would scream the place down and no one wanted to hear that.

"All done, bub, now what would you like to eat for breakfast? Natasha asked placing her hands on your knees.

You thought for a second then a smile appeared on your face "strawdees an nannas."

"Strawberries and bananas it is then." Natasha smiled picking you up and laying you down on top of her so she can give you morning cuddles


After spending 10 extra minutes in bed cuddling Natasha decided that it was now time to get up.

She got out of bed and started getting herself and you ready for the day.

While Natasha was doing her makeup and her hair you were sitting on the vanity table watching her. You had suddenly become obsessed with watching your mama do her makeup and you would sit and watch her every morning.

After she was finished it was now time to get your hair fixed. She put your hair up in a simple high ponytail which she knows that she will need to fix at least 8 times a day but at least it would be out of your face.

She got both you and herself dressed and carried you to the kitchen. You both were spending the weekend at Clint and Laura's since Natasha knew that if she stayed at the compound Tony would end up throwing her a massive party which she really didn't want.

Natasha walked into the kitchen and Laura and Lila were already there.

"Happy birthday honey," Laura said giving Natasha a half hug.

"Thank you." Natasha smiled.

Laura took you out of your mom's arms and over to the stove.

"Do you want some pancakes sweetie?" Laura asks as she starts tickling you and kissing your cheek and you responded by clapping your hands and giggling.

"Also some strawberries and bananas for her too please Laura thank you," Natasha said.

"Happy birthday auntie Nat," Lila said walking over to Natasha "I've made you a card."

Natasha wrapped her arm around Lila's shoulder and gently pulled her to her side and took the card from her. As Natasha was reading the card a large smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you so much sweetheart I love it." Natasha pressed a kiss on Lila's head.

Laura placed you in the high chair and walked over to the door "boy's breakfast." She shouted and like magic Clint and their two boys, Cooper and Nate came running into the kitchen.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now