Innocent Little Confessions (Request)

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Warnings: Inappropriate humour Age: 5Word Count: 710Requests: ClosedSummary: You tell Natasha things that Wanda has said about her

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Warnings: Inappropriate humour
Age: 5
Word Count: 710
Requests: Closed
Summary: You tell Natasha things that Wanda has said about her. Somethings that you probably shouldn't have heard and definitely not have repeated.
Requested by: Annonomas
Date: 24/08/2022
A/N: thank you to the person who requested this I hope you like it :) I need help coming up with a title for this


You were sitting in the living room drawing and your mom was in her room getting ready for her date when the doorbell rang.

"Can you get that baby it's uncle Pietro," Wanda shouted.

"Yes, mommy." You shouted back.

You stood up, walked to the door and opened it but it wasn't your uncle Pietro.

"Natty." You exclaimed raising your arms in the air.

She lifted you and gave you a big hug. "How's my favourite girl?"

"Good. Mommy is right you do smell nice."

"Is that right?" Natasha asked as she put you back down.

"Is that Pietro?" Wanda shouted.

"No mommy it's Natty." You shouted back

"Nat, can you watch Y/N till he gets here?"

"Of course, Wands just take your time," Natasha shouted.

You grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her into the living room "Come look at my drawings Natty."

Natasha kneeled on the floor next to your drawing table and started looking through all of your drawings.

"Has your mom said anything else about me?" Natasha asked putting all the papers back on your little table

"Yeah she said something about how beautiful your eyes are and she gets lost in them but I don't understand how someone can get lost in eyes the only place where I get lost is the store but mommy always finds me." You told her while continuing drawing.

Natasha couldn't help but smile while listening to you.

"Natty can you get me a drink please?" You asked.

"Of course sweetie." Natasha stood up and held out her hand for you to take and she took you into the kitchen.

"What else has your mom said about me?" She asked while getting you and herself a glass of water.

"I heard her talk to one of her friends when I was meant to be asleep she said something about how she would love to be eaten by you."

Natasha choked on her water when she heard you say that.

"Natty why would my mommy want you to eat her? People don't eat each other that's gross."

Natasha tried her best to hide her laughter behind her glass.

"She also said to her friend that she loves watching you train and she would love to see you without training clothes or any clothes on. I don't know what kind of clothes she would like to see you in."

Natasha couldn't contain her laughter any longer.

"Why are you laughing Natty?"

"No reason sweetie." She tried to contain her laughter as best as possible


For the rest of the time, you were showing Natasha all of your stuffed toys well the ones that you were allowed to keep downstairs. Then Wanda walked in

She was wearing a red dress, black high heels and one of Natasha's leather jackets.

The smile on Natasha's face grew even wider when she saw Wanda

"You look so beautiful." Natasha walked over to Wanda and kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you. So do you." Wanda responded, "anyway what have my favourite girls been talking about?"

"We have been talking about all my stuffies and my pictures oh and you mommy." You told her.

"Oh, really and what have you both been saying about me?"

Natasha whispered in Wanda's ear "About how you want to see me with no clothes on and you want me to eat you."

Wanda's face instantly turned the same colour as her dress "I'm so sorry about that." Wanda whispered back.

Thankfully the doorbell went just in time before you could ask any more questions.

"Can you answer the door sweetie that will be Pietro?" Wanda asked you.

You nodded and left as you were walking you could hear your mom and Natasha laughing.

You were so distracted by talking to Pietro that you didn't notice your mom and Natasha walk up to you.

"Bye baby." Wanda kissed your cheek. "Now you be good for uncle Pietro. I love you so much."

"Love you, mommy. Bye Natty." You waved them goodbye.

"Bye, sweetie." Natasha waved back to you

"Have fun you two," Pietro said also waving them goodbye.

"Oh, we will," Natasha replied with a smirk on her face which resulted in getting a slap on the arm from Wanda.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now