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Warnings: Spider-Man: No Way Home spoilers

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Warnings: Spider-Man: No Way Home spoilers. Anymore let me know
Age: 25
Word Count: 1,174
Requests: Closed
Summary: You and your husband Peter unexpectedly disappeared leaving your 3-year-old daughter and your mother behind.
Requested by: @Superflash2255
Date: 30/08/2022
A/N: thank you so much I hope you enjoy :)
I'm needing help with coming up with a title for this one too some reason I'm having a difficult time coming up with titles
We have had mama Nat now for the first time ever we have grandma Nat
Natasha had just watched her daughter, her only child, her baby, disappear into dust right in front of her.

She didn't even get the chance to hug, kiss or even say goodbye to her baby.

Natasha didn't just lose her daughter she also lost her son-in-law Peter. There was one more person that she hoped she didn't lose.

She ran upstairs and into one of the bedrooms and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw the little girl peacefully sleeping in her bed having no idea that her parents are gone maybe forever

Above the bed, there were pink wooden letters with white spots that read 'May'. She was named after Peter's late aunt as a way to honour her as she raised Peter since he was very young.

Natasha sat down on May's bed and gently took hold of her little hand.

"I promise I'm never going to let anything happen to you. I couldn't save your parents but I'm going to keep you safe your whole life."

*6 Years Later*

Time went on and May reminded Natasha more and more of her daughter each day.

Each night May would wear her parent's clothes for pyjamas and she would always wear her mother's jewellery every day.

She would kiss the picture that she has beside her bed of her parents and her the day she was born and would look up to the sky just before bed and say goodnight to her parents and tell them just how she misses them and loves them and how she wished that they would come back and hold her in their arms again. Natasha would also talk to May about her parents and would tell her stories whenever she asked.


May walked downstairs and into the kitchen mentally preparing herself to tell her grandma something that she has been thinking about for a while.

"Hey, sweetheart I was just about to come to find you. Is everything okay?" Natasha asked while finishing putting away some dishes.

"Yes but I need to talk to you about something important."

Natasha put the tea towel down on the counter and turned to face May. "Of course honey, you can tell me anything."

"Grandma, I think, no wait I know I definitely know. 100% well maybe not 100 but..."

"Natasha put her hands on her granddaughter's shoulders "it's okay sweetheart take your time."

May took a deep breath and looked down at her hands and started playing with her fingers. "I'm gay." She whispered as if it was something to be ashamed of. "I like girls the way I'm supposed to like boys."

A wide smile grew on Natasha's face she was so glad that May knew she could tell her grandma anything and not feel scared or embarrassed.

She pulled May into a tight hug. "Thank you so much for telling me, sweetheart. It means a lot to me that you felt comfortable enough to share that with me and I'm going to support you and help you with whatever you need."

May hugged Natasha back tighter. "Thank you, grandma. I know that I'm only young and stuff but I have felt this way for a long time."

Natasha pulled may out of the hug and cupped her face. "No matter what I'll always be so proud of you. You're so brave for telling me."

Tears of happiness started filling in May's eyes. "Thank you for supporting me, grandma."

"I've got something to tell you too." Natasha wiped the tears away that fell from May's eyes. "Tony has found a way to bring your parents and everyone who disappeared all those years ago home."

May couldn't believe what she was hearing her parents were coming back "Is it true are they really coming back?"

Natasha nodded "You can go ask him if you want he's in the lab like always."

May nodded then ran to Tony's lab.

When she ran into the lab Tony was building something.

She ran over to him "Is it true that there's a way to bring my parents and everyone back?" She asked breathlessly.

"That's the goal kid," Tony replied not looking away from whatever it was he was building.

The smile that hadn't left May's face sudden faded when a million questions began running through her mind.

"What if they don't like me? What if I'm a disappointment to them? what if they aren't as great as grandma says they are? what if..." May spoke aloud pacing around the lab.

"Listen kid I get that you're having some sort of life crisis here but can you please do it elsewhere I've got a lot to do." Tony sighed.

"Right sorry," May said then quickly left the lab.


A few days had past Tony had finished figuring out the way to bring everyone home.

Natasha took May to a place where she would be safe but she didn't tell May why she had to stay there.

May waited and waited in one of the bedrooms but her grandma still hadn't returned she was starting to worry that something bad happened to her.


May looked up when the bedroom door opened and saw Natasha walk in. She ran into her grandma's arms and gives her the biggest hug in the world. "I thought something bad had happened to you."

"I'm so sorry for scaring you sweetheart the mission took a little longer than expected but I've got a surprise for you downstairs.

Natasha took May downstairs and covered her eyes when they got to the last stair and carefully led her into the living room.

A young couple was waiting in the living room for them.

When Natasha took her hands away from May's eyes and she saw who was standing in front of her tears started forming in her eyes. She recognised the couple from the pictures and she knew those were her parents.  "Mommy, daddy." She ran over to you and Peter and hugged you both as tightly as she possibly could.

You couldn't believe how big your baby girl had gotten or that you were holding her in your arms again.

You pulled her away from you and cupped her face and started to study her facial features. She had Peter's brown hair and your green eyes. She looked so much like you when you were a child.

A few tears fell from May's eyes and you wiped them away with your thumbs. "My baby is no longer a baby anymore she's all grown up."

"I'm nearly 10 years old mama I'm definitely not a baby anymore," May told you.

You couldn't believe what you were hearing you missed 6 years of your daughter's life." I promise you my love me and your daddy are never going to leave you again."


You kept your promise and you and Peter hardly ever left May and you did all that you could to make up for the years that you had missed with her.



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