The First Of Many (Request)

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Warnings: Everything that could revolve around periods, brief mention of forced Pregnancy and the Red Room's graduation ceremony

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Warnings: Everything that could revolve around periods, brief mention of forced Pregnancy and the Red Room's graduation ceremony. Anymore let me know
Age: 12
Word Count: 1,481
Requests: Closed
Summary: You have your first period. Your mom and Wanda help you to understand it
Requested by: @just_existing3011
Date: 27/04/2022
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting this. I hope that you enjoy it ❤️ :)
You had woken up super early for some reason and you felt something wet underneath you. You got up, pulled the covers back and saw a bloodstain on your sheets. Panic started building up inside you.

You ran into your bathroom and started checking your arms and legs in the mirror but there was no wound. You turned to check your back when saw the blood on the back of your pyjama pants.

You hurried back into your room, quickly changed your pyjamas, stripped the bed and took all the dirty laundry to the laundry room.

You went to put all the laundry in the machine but there were already clothes inside so you put the pile of clothes on the floor and went to empty the machine.

"Y/N?" A voice said coming from behind you.

You turned around and it was Tony. He looked down at the pile of clothes and saw the fear on your face and knew that something had happened.

"I'll get your mom." He said then walked off.

"NO!" You shouted but it was too late.

Your entire body started shaking and the tears were rolling down your face. When you were in the place that you were living before whenever you had an accident you would get yelled at and you were sure that your mom was about to do the same.

When Natasha walked into the laundry room and started inspecting the pile of laundry you were trying your hardest to hide away in the corner.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." You sobbed.

Natasha walked over to you and crouched down to your level, put her hands on your shoulders and tried to turn you so that she could look at you but you were having none of it.

"Please look at me, baby." She spoke in a soft tone.

"No, you're going to yell at me." You cried.

"What makes you think that I'm going to yell at you?"

"They always yelled at me when I had an accident."

"But we're not there anymore, baby, no one will get mad at you okay."

You slowly turned and looked at your mom.

"I don't know what happened I woke up and it was just there I have no cuts or anything." You explained as more tears started to fall.

Natasha cupped your face and wiped your tears away with her thumbs "please don't cry, you have done nothing wrong."

"We have a lot to talk about," she said standing up and holding out her hand. You took her hand and she led you up to her room.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now