Secret Boyfriend (Request)

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Warnings: teenage pregnancy, bad language words, Steve Age: 16Word Count: 3003Requests: Closed

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Warnings: teenage pregnancy, bad language words, Steve
Age: 16
Word Count: 3003
Requests: Closed. I would appreciate it if no one send in any more requests until I open them again I have so many of them to get done
Summary:  You end up accidentally getting pregnant
Requested by: @natreallywentsplat thank you for requesting.
Date: 07/01/23
A/N: a very special thank you to Griffin_girl for helping me with this story. Love you
You have been in a secret relationship with your boyfriend for 6 months. Exactly 6 months on Saturday.

You kept it hidden from your parents and your family that you were dating someone because you knew exactly how they would react especially since you're dating Peter Parker.

You had both been best friends long before so no one questioned why you were always together.

You didn't care about keeping this a secret from everyone well apart from your mom you told her everything that happened in your life. She was the only one that you could tell things to and you knew no matter what she wouldn't get mad.

She made that little agreement with you when you entered the teenage stage. You went from telling her everything to nothing within a few months and Natasha didn't like that.


"Can you not be so loud?" You giggled looking at your boyfriend

"I'm sorry. I'll try to not be so loud." Peter your secret boyfriend answered with a giggle of his own

"Mama and dad could be home any second Pete and you know they both have super soldier hearing. You might be Spiderman but you won't see it coming if they hear us."

"I know." Peter sighed "But I can't help myself Y/N. You know how much I love you."

You smiled " I love you too sweet boy."

And with that, you brought your boyfriend back in for a heated kiss.


You and Peter were too lost in your make-out session that both of you failed to hear the front door getting open as Natasha and Steve came back from the meeting they had at the compound.

When, by a miracle, Natasha fell pregnant with you, your parents decided that it was time to move out of the Avengers' compound and get their own house where you could grow up happy and safe.

"I'm going to check up on Y/N," Natasha told Steve as she turned around and started to make her way towards your room.

Steve wanted to protest that she left him without a kiss before leaving but instead, he just sighed and threw himself on the couch, turning on the TV.

Natasha thought you were sleeping so she didn't bother to knock on your door and just opened it.

"Y/N baby are you sleep..." Natasha started to say but cut herself off when she saw you laying on your bed with Peter on top of you

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