Need Her Back (Request)

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Warnings: slight mention of blood loss to do a shooting and coma

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Warnings: slight mention of blood loss to do a shooting and coma. Anymore let me know.

Age: 12

Word Count: 2,956

Requests: Closed

Summary: Read the request and it will explain everything

Requested by: 

Date: 09/12/2023

paring: Natasha and Bucky (Eventually)

A/N: Thank you for your request I hope that you like it.


James Barnes wanted nothing more than to forget his past but, unfortunately, there were two constant reminders of it.

During his time as a HYDRA soldier, he had a thing with one of the Widows at the Red Room and that widow was Natalia Alianovna Romanova.

To them, they made plans to escape and have a life together but reality wasn't like that. One thing led to another then Natalia at 16 years old, days before she was meant to go through the Red Room's graduation ceremony ended up pregnant and James never came back for her.

Nine months later Natalia gave birth to a healthy baby girl and named her Y/N. When Natalia saw her baby for the first time she knew that she had to do whatever it took to protect her and that's what she did.

It took Natalia a few years to plan and organise the perfect escape plan and thankfully it worked. Getting out of the Red Room was her main goal she didn't exactly think about what was next.

Being out in the harsh Russian winter with a toddler wasn't ideal but it was the better option.

Thankfully the young mother and her child only had to deal with the cold weather for a few days since a SHEILD agent who was sent to kill the widow made a different call and let her live most likely because he saw the young girl and he didn't want to take her mother away from her. He had a child the same age and would hate it if he lost his mother or father.


Months passed and Natalia got a job working with SHEILD, thanks to the man who saved her and her child otherwise known as Clint Barton, as one of their agents. She even changed her identity as a way of taking control of her life for the first time ever. She now goes by Natasha Romanoff.

When Natasha went away on missions you stayed with Clint's wife Laura and their son Cooper then after the Avengers Initiative was formed and the Stark Tower was changed to the Avengers Tower you stayed there if there was someone available to babysit you.

As the years went by Natasha was glad that she got to watch you grow in a safe place and nothing bad would happen to you she wanted nothing to change but it did something or someone changed everything.


Natasha had just gotten back from a long mission and you and her were sitting on the couch giggling about what you got up to when she was away when suddenly Steve and a strange man walked in.

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