Happy Birthday Mama

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Natasha Romanoff x Child Reader

Warnings: None.

Age: 12

Word Count: 982

Requests: Open

Summary: Spending the day with your mom on her birthday.


It was approximately 11:59 PM on the 2nd of December. You stood outside your mom's bedroom door waiting patiently for it to hit midnight. Moments before you had asked FRIDAY to quietly alert you when it hit midnight. It was the longest minute of your life.

You were finally alerted that it was midnight, you carefully opened the door and crept in. You hoped that she would be awake but sadly she wasn't.

"Mama, mama, mom, mom." You whispered gently shaking her arm

Mmm, what happened?" She quickly sat up.

"Happy birthday, Mama," You said as you leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

A big smile appeared on her face and she moved over and pulled the covers back.

"Aw, come here, sweetheart." She patted the mattress inviting you in.

You carefully climbed into her bed and she put her arm around you and pulled you into her. with her other arm, she pulled the comforter over you. She held you tight, rubbing your arm and planting kisses on your head.

"Can I give you your present now?" You excitedly said pulling yourself away from Nat.

"Go on then." She said.

You quickly got up from the bed and rushed to your room.

On your dresser sat an extremely badly wrapped present. You grabbed it and ran back to your mom's room.

You got back in her bed and handed her the gift. You felt quite embarrassed about how awful your wrapping skills were but you knew that she wouldn't have cared.

She carefully unwrapped the present it was a grey box and inside the box lay a silver heart necklace engraved with your initials on it.

"Sweetheart, it's beautiful." She said happily.

"When you wear it, it will be a reminder that I'm always with you when you're away on long missions and you won't have to worry about me cause you know that I'll be ok." You told her.

"Thank you so much, baby." she gave you a kiss on the head.

"let's see how it looks," Nat said she picked up the necklace and clipped it around her neck.

"Perfect." She looked over smiling at you.

"perfect," you repeated back at her and giggled and she pulled you into a hug.

She shifted her body slightly to look at the clock on the bedside table.

"right, little Miss, it's late and you need sleep." She told you.

You scootched down and placed your head on the pillow.

Natasha then laid down too and she put her arm around you and pulled you closer to her. you then buried your face into her neck.

"I love you mama," You whispered

" love you too Y/N," She whispered back


Thankfully you had managed to wake up before your mom. you ever so carefully removed yourself from your mom's embrace and snuck out of her room and ran downstairs,

Sam was standing in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Sam, can you help me make breakfast for mom?" You asked him whilst out of breath as you just ran through two long corridors and 3 flights of stairs.

"Um, look, there's Wanda she'll help you." He placed his hand on top of your head and took off.

"What do you need help with sweetie?" She asked

"I want to make a special breakfast in bed for mom but I don't know how," You responded

"Don't worry, Y/N, ill help you." offering to help you.

As Wanda was supervising you pour the pancake mixture into the pan you heard footsteps coming your way.

Natasha walked into the kitchen over at you and Wanda.

When you saw her you carefully got down from the barstool that you were keeling on and you walked over to her.

"No, mama, you're supposed to stay in bed we were going to bring you a breakfast surprise." You tried to push her out of the kitchen but she wasn't moving.

"Okay, okay, I'll go," She said smiling down at you then she left the kitchen.


When you (Wanda) had finished making breakfast she placed all the plates on a tray and carried it up to your mom's room for you as she knew fine well that you would definitely fall over.

You both got up to your mom's room and she handed you the tray of food and opened the door for you.

As you walked over to her bed she kept her hands on your shoulders just for that extra support.

"This looks lovely thank you so much, Y/N," She said as you placed the tray on her lap

She looked over at Wanda and mouthed the words "thank you." making a mental note to properly thank Wanda the next time she sees her.

Wanda gave Nat a smile and nod before walking out of Nat's room leaving you both to it.

You carefully climbed back into bed and snuggled up to Nat.

She grabbed the remote and put on one of your favourite movies and she fed you some of her breakfast.


Natasha specifically told Tony not to throw a party for her under any circumstances. She just wanted to have a quiet day with everyone.

And that's exactly what happened all day was spent you snuggled up to your mom on the sofa and everyone watched movies together, played lots of different types of board games and laughing over just how competitive Tony got and over-eating different types of takeaway food.

As the day came to an end you were tucked up back in your mom's bed in her arms.

"Did you enjoy your birthday?" You asked her.

"I did. This has definitely been one of the best birthdays I've ever had," She answered.

Her response made you smile.

As you closed your eyes and began to doze off you couldn't help but think about all the possible ways that could make her next birthday even better than this one."

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