A Strange Way To Get Them Back Together

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Warnings: Parents separation, brief mention of not eating, mention of passing out, hospital, mention of IV and nasal breathing tube

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Warnings: Parents separation, brief mention of not eating, mention of passing out, hospital, mention of IV and nasal breathing tube. Anymore let me know
Age: 12
Word Count: 1,592
Requests: Closed
Summary: You're parents split up and you didn't take it very well
Requested by: @FiqVengerz
Date: 09/09/2022
A/N: Thank you for the request I hope you like it :)


Steve and Natasha were once a happily married couple... Once

They were on the verge of separation and the only real reason why they were still together was for their daughter.

They didn't want to upset their daughter in any way that's why they decided that staying together was their best option no matter how miserable it made them both.


You noticed that your parents have been acting differently for weeks but you didn't want to mention it.

You saw your dad sleep on the couch many times, they never kiss each other goodbye anymore, your mom was working more and your dad was spending more time at your uncle Bucky's house.


"Jesus, Steve, is that all you care about?" Was the first thing that you heard shouted by your mother when you walked into the house after school. "Go on leave that's all that you're good for."

Your dad walked to the door gave you a sympathetic look and left.

"Dad?" You shouted following your dad out of the house.

"Dad, don't leave," you shouted again you ran after his car to the end of the street but you had to stop since you didn't see the point in continuing to chase the car.

You walked back to your house, tears streaming down your face.

When you walked back into your house your mom was waiting for you.

Natasha cupped your face and wiped away your tears with her thumbs. "it's all going to be okay baby I promise."

"It's not going to be okay. Nothing is going to be okay again." You screamed then ran up to your bedroom.


For the rest of the week, you locked yourself in your bedroom.

There was only one person that you let in your room and that was your aunt Wanda.

She never forced you to talk about your feeling she was more than happy just to sit with you in silence and hug you.

Wanda walked into our bedroom and found you sitting in the corner of the room crying uncontrollably.

She sat down beside you and pulled you into a tight hug. She tried everything she could to calm you down it took you a while but you finally did.

"Are you wanting to talk about it?" Wanda asked as she wiped your cheeks dry.

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