Hide and Seek

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Warning: None
Word Count: 517
Requests: Open
Summary: You and your mom play hide and seek.


Hide and seek was one of your all-time favourite games to play.

Your mom was your favourite person to play with. She didn't mind that you always hid in one of the same four places every time and didn't ask you to try to find somewhere new to hide.

You had the entire compound to find places to hide but you were always scared to wander around just in case your mom couldn't find you even though you knew that it would never happen and no matter where you were your mom would always find you.


You were sitting at your little desk in your mom's office drawing and your mom was at her desk doing paperwork.

You were starting to get bored of drawing since you have been doing it for so long.

You got up from the chair and toddled over to your mom and held your arms up to tell her that you wanted up.

"You getting bored, little bug?" Natasha asked lifting you and sitting you down on her lap.

You nodded your head and started fiddling around with her necklace.

"What would you like to do?" She tightened her grip around you and kissed the top of your head.

A big grin grew on your face. you knew exactly what you wanted to do.

"Can we play hide and seek, mama?"

"Of course, we can." Natasha then kissed your cheek and put you back down on the floor."

"Mama, you count." You said running off to go hide.

You ran to your mom's bedroom and hid under her bed and waited for her."

After a few seconds of waiting, you heard the door opening and you saw your mom walking around the room.

"Where's my little Y/N hiding?" Natasha said aloud.

You were trying too hard not to giggle but you just couldn't stop yourself.

You watched her walk over to her wardrobe.

"Not in there." Natasha closed the wardrobe doors.

"Maybe in the bathroom?" Natasha then walked over to her bathroom and you heard the door squeak as she opened it.

"Not in there either." She then closed her bathroom door.

You walked her head towards the door.

"I guess Y/N isn't in here."

You started giggling more. You were so convinced that you had tricked your mom till you saw her looking under the bed, straight at you

"There's my little monster."

"Mommy you found me." You said while laughing and clapping your hands.

You carefully crawled out from under her bed and Natasha put her hand on the top of your head to make sure that you didn't bump it off the bed.

Natasha stood up then scooped you up in her arms and rested you on her hip.

"Of course I did, I will always find you." She kissed you on the cheek


You and your mom played a few more games of hide and seek but then you started to get tried.

Natasha carried you up to her room and tucked you up in her bed. She then put on some peaceful music for you to fall asleep to.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now