A Big Surprise (Request)

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Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy complications, babies, Anymore let me knowAge: 3 and 22Word Count: 1,000Requests: ClosedSummary: Your mom learns about a very special secret you have keptRequested by:  @EveAngela9Date: 16/09/2022A/N: tha...

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Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of pregnancy complications, babies, Anymore let me know
Age: 3 and 22
Word Count: 1,000
Requests: Closed
Summary: Your mom learns about a very special secret you have kept
Requested by:  @EveAngela9
Date: 16/09/2022
A/N: thank you so much for your request I hope you like it. :) 


A day filled with fun, smiles and laughter was suddenly ruined by an unexpected rainstorm.

You were sitting by the window watching the raindrop fall down the window pane bored out of your mind when a sudden flash of lighting and a loud bang of thunder scared you.

"MAMA!" You screamed so loudly.

You ran as fast as your little legs could go to your mom's office where she was sitting in an armchair reading.

As you ran over to her she put her book down and lifted you onto her lap and you covered your face with her light brown cardigan.

"Tunder scare me mama real bad." You cried.

"It's okay my love you're safe here with me the thunder can't get you I promise."

She started gently rocking you and began singing you an old Russian lullaby and you eventually fell asleep.


That was 19 years ago you're now 22. You're married and you have a son.

Your mom was coming over to visit for the weekend and she was to be here any minute now. You were looking through your closet for a sweater when you saw a light brown cardigan.

You took the cardigan out and smiled as the memory played in your head of when your mom gave it to you

*3 Years Earlier*

"He's so beautiful sweetheart." Natasha smiled at the sleeping newborn baby boy. "Have you thought of a name for him yet?"

"We have decided on naming him, James Benjamin Parker."

"That's the perfect name for the little traitor."

You started laughing, walked over to your mom and wrapped your arms around her.

"I promise if we happen to have another baby even if it is another boy we will name him after you."

Natasha kissed your head "Thank you, baby."

"I wish papa got the chance to meet his grandson he would have loved him." You said as a stray tear fell from your eye.

She wiped away the tear. "I know that he's so proud of you and of everything that you have achieved."

"I miss him so much, mama."

"I know you do baby I do too but remember we wouldn't be here if he didn't sacrifice himself to save us and you wouldn't have had that little miracle either.

She took off her cardigan "You know Melina gave this to me when I had you now I think it's time for me to give it to you." She wrapped the cardigan around your shoulders.

"Thanks, mama. This cardigan was always the best place to hide when I got scared."

"Y/N, Natasha's here." Your husband shouted pulling you back to reality.

You quickly put on the cardigan and headed downstairs.

You walked into the living room and saw your mom sitting on the floor with your son and he was showing his grandma all of his Thomas the Tank Engine trains.

"This one called James like me." He picked up the red train and showed it to Natasha

You sat down on the sofa and watched as James told Natasha the names of his trains.

Peter walked into the room holding two mugs. A coffee for Natasha and a tea for you.

Natasha stood up and sat down on the sofa next to you and Peter handed you and Natasha the mugs then sat down on her spot on the floor and started playing trains with James.

While you were talking to Natasha you raised your arms in the air to put your hair in a messy bun when your cardigan opened up and your shirt raised up showing your stomach normally that wouldn't have been an issue for you but this time it was since you were hiding a very big surprise.

You quickly pulled your shirt back down and covered yourself back up with the cardigan but you were almost certain that your mom saw.

You were 7 months pregnant but your mom didn't know just yet only because you had so many complications with your first pregnancy that you didn't want anyone, apart from Peter, to know just yet in case something terrible happened.

"Sweetheart you know you can tell me anything right," Natasha said putting her mug on the coffee table.

"I know mama."  You looked between your mom and your son.

She put her hands on your shoulders "By anything I really mean anything." She looked down at your stomach then back at your face.

It took you a second but then you finally got what she was hinting at. "Mama... I'm pregnant. Just over 7 months."

After a few seconds of initial shock, she pulled you into a hug. "I'm so happy for you sweetheart and I understand why you didn't tell me when you found out. Are you and the baby okay?"

"Yeah we are perfectly fine the doctors have been keeping a close eye on everything and I have been extremely careful thankfully we have nothing to worry about."

"Thank god." Natasha cupped your face and kissed your forehead.

"You will be pleased to know that it is a little girl and after about a less than 20 second discussion we have decided on naming her, Natalia."

A large smile grew on Natasha's face and as she went to say something she got interrupted.

"No girl me want boy. Girls yucky." James whined.

"Your mama and I are girls are we yucky?" Natasha asked him.

James just nodded and turned his attention back to his trains."

"Well, that answers that then." You laughed.

Natasha wrapped her arm around you and you rested your head on her shoulder. "I'm sure he will love her when he sees her." She gently places her hand on your stomach. "I know I already do and I can't wait to meet her."

You placed your hand on top of your mom's hand and you smiled to yourself at the thought in just a few months a new little addition will be added to your family.

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