I Miss Her (Part 1)

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Warning: Natasha's death.
Age: 16
Word Count: 777
Requests: Open
Summary: You visit your moms grave.
A/N: Stay tuned for the next part.
You went to visit your mother's grave that was in one of New York's cemeteries. Pepper helped pay for it. There was also one for Steve and Tony nearby. Steve's was the only one that contained a body. The other two were empty.

It had been just over three months since her passing you knew that she wasn't there but maybe it would help.

You kneeled beside the headstone and traced her name with your finger.

"Hey, mama, it's me, it's Y/N," You started.

"I know you can't answer but I really need someone to talk too and you were always the one I could speak to about anything so I thought why not."

"I really miss you mom, everyone is gone and I'm all alone. You're gone, Tony's gone, Steve passed away last week. Wanda has disappeared. Uncle Clint is back with his family. I wish that you didn't have to die for that to happen. I can't stay them, Clint always tells me how much I remind him of you and I know it would be much too hard for him especially if I was around."

"Oh but guess what mom I've got some good news. I finally went back to school and the first day I went back we had a maths quiz, I didn't have to take it but I wanted to try and I got 85% how brilliant is that and that was with no studying or anything." A big smile grew on your face as you told her that.

"I have been training every day, mainly to keep myself busy, I'm getting really good. One day, the Avengers will team up once again and I'll be an official member and I'll help save the world just like you. I'm going to do everything I can possibly do to make you proud. I know that you told me all the time that you were proud of me but this time it will be for something significantly different than passing a test."

"I keep on forgetting that you're gone. I call out for you every time I walk through the door, it takes me a second to remember that you're not there."

"I know this is selfish but I sometimes wish that it was someone else other you and uncle Clint who went to get that stone that way you would still be here with me."

"A lot of people have told me that even though you are gone that you are still here with me but it's not the same. Just once I wish that I could see you once more and hug you one last time and actually get to say goodbye to you."

"We should have just left New York like we always talked about. There is the whole world that we could've seen together. I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon all of the memories I have of you are here. I'll walk through Central Park and remember that time when we had a picnic and I was feeding the squirrels this one squirrel started climbing up me and I named him Frank. I really wanted to keep him so bad but you said that it wasn't the best idea to keep a squirrel in the apartment."  That memory made you smile.

"Is it ever going to get easier Mom? You would want me to move on and get on with my life but I don't think I can. You're all that I've ever known. I-I can't do it without, I need you here, I need you to show me the right way to go. Nothing is ever going to be the same again, I'm not going to be the same, I want you to come back and just hold me and tell me that it's all going to be okay. I won't believe it unless I hear it from you." The tears were streaming down your face.

"it's getting quite late so I best be heading home, but mom, I just wanted to let you know that you're my best friend and that you're the best mom ever. I will forever be grateful that you chose me to be your child. I love you so much mommy, goodbye,"

You leaned over and pressed your head against the stone and did your part of the secret whistle that your mom taught you.

After you finished your part of the whistle you heard something that you didn't expect to hear... it was your mom's part of the whistle. No one else apart from you and your mom knew that or so you thought.

"Mom!" You shouted out.

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