You Saved Me

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Warnings: A small mention of Natasha getting Strangled. 

Age: 5

Word Count: 920

Requests: Open

You always thought that the compound was one of the safest places on earth. Maybe you were wrong.

You were sleeping soundly in your bed only to be unexpectedly woken by the sound of what only could be described as glass shattering.

You didn't think much of it, maybe a tree had fallen through one of the windows.

You knew that you should probably stay in bed and just go back to sleep but curiosity got the better of you and you stumbled out of bed and made your way to the door.

You looked down the hallway and your Mom was there with her back to the wall holding her gun.

She turned her head and saw you standing there.

"No" Natasha mouthed shaking her hand trying to get you back into your room.

It took a second to figure out what she meant but as soon as you did you went back to your room.

You knew that something bad must be happening she wouldn't just be standing there holding her gun for no reason.

All these bad thoughts raced through your mind at once and you ended up scaring yourself even more causing you to get upset.

As you were standing in the middle of your bedroom, tears streaming down your face. you didn't even notice that someone sneaked into your room till you felt someone grab and hold you.

You had tightly closed your eyes and weren't sure how to react as who you thought was a stranger at the time was holding you.

"you're safe, baby, I've got you," the stranger holding you whispered calmly in your ear.

When you realised that you were being held by your Mom you instantly relaxed.

Her soothing words made you feel safe and calm.

She softly lowered you to the floor before kneeling down to your level, gently cupping your face and wiping away the tear marks from your cheeks

"I need you to listen to me very carefully. Can you do that, baby? She spoke in a quiet but serious tone.

"Yes Mama," You said whilst nodding your head.

Natasha grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the wardrobe and the other end of the room.

She opened the doors and quickly tossed everything that was inside it on your bed. After it was empty she picked you up and gently placed you inside the wardrobe.

"Baby, I know this is scary but I need you to stay in here and keep quiet okay?" She said softly.

"Just like hide and seek?" You asked.

"Exactly, just like hide and seek," She repeated while smiling at you.

She quickly went over to your bed and grabbed your stuffed bear that was hidden under the pile of clothes.

"There are bad men outside aren't there Mama? " You asked her.

She didn't want to scare you even more so she didn't even bother answering your question instead she changed the subject completely.

"Here's Mr Bear, he will keep you company," She said as she handed you the bear

You hugged the bear tightly as possible

"Do not come out till I come to get you okay Y/N I mean it stay here." She said sternly.

"I promise, ill stay here." You said looking up at her.

"That's my brave girl," She said then kissed your forehead and closed the wardrobe door

"It sure is dark in here Mr Bear" You quietly said to your bear.


There was no telling how much time had past but you were getting bored and your bear was doing a bad job and keeping you company.

"Silly bear, you're not supposed to be asleep." You whisper to the bear causing you to giggle.

Suddenly you heard your mom screaming something. 

"Mama." You said as you opened up the wardrobe door and climbed down completely forgetting that you had to stay till she came and got you.

You toddled out of your room and you heard her scream something again and you went to go find her.

You finally found her and you saw that a man was standing in front of her with her hands on her neck.

"Leave my mommy alone." You shouted Before you started running over to them and you pushed on the man's legs obviously he didn't move but he did get distracted by you.

As he was looking at you Natasha was able to free herself from his grip and punched him hard causing him to fall over and hit his head on the wooden bed frame.

Natasha ran over to you and scooped you up in her arms.

You let out a little gasp and you suddenly started crying

"I'm sorry, Mommy, I left, I didn't mean to. Don't be mad at me." You said in between sobs

"Oh, no, baby I'm not mad, you saved me," Nat said as she hugged you tightly.

"I need you to be really quiet again for me okay" She added.

You nodded your head and Natasha held onto you tightly as she sneaked her way through the compound and outside.

Just as she got you outside safely Tony landed beside you both with a loud thud.

"You took your time," she said to Tony.

"Are you both alright?" He asked.

Yeah, Y/N saved me. Didn't you, my brave little Avenger." She said then kissed your head.

"Yes, I did Mama." You said whilst giggling.

As Tony and some other SHIELD agents made sure that the compound was safe

Your eyes began to get heavy and you fell asleep in what you know now is the safest place on earth... being held in your Mother's arms.

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