Never Again Part 1 (Request)

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Warnings: Underage drinking if you don't live somewhere where the age is 18, couple of swear words

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Warnings: Underage drinking if you don't live somewhere where the age is 18, couple of swear words

Age: 18

Word Count: 941

Requests: Closed

Summary: You got drunk for the very first time.

Requested by: Anonymous 

A/N: Part 2 should be below this.


It was the morning of your 18th birthday. Being a HYDRA experiment from such a young age you never got to experience one. When the Avengers rescued you at the age of 13 they always make your birthdays a big deal. Especially Tony, he always loved a good excuse to throw a big party.

Normally Natasha would take you out for a special birthday breakfast but since it fell on a Friday this year you had to go to school instead.

After you got yourself dressed and ready for the day. You headed downstairs and prepared yourself for all the hugs and kisses that you were about to receive from everyone.

You walked into the kitchen and everyone was either sitting at the table or making breakfast.

You then sat down on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island.

"Hey, Y/N, sleep well?" Steve asked you as he looked up from the newspaper that he was reading then took a sip of his coffee.

"Uh, yeah, thanks." You responded taking an Apple from the fruit bowl.

You took your phone out of your pocket and the time read 7:30 am.

"I need to get going or I'm going to be late for school," You announced.

You got hit by a wave of unenthusiastic byes from everyone. You got down from the chair and walked off quite upset that none of them even said happy birthday to you.

"Y/N?" Nat called out to you

You turned around with a smile on your face. You knew that Nat wouldn't have forgotten.

"We've all been assigned on a last-minute mission so there's a chance that we might not be here when you get home." She informed you.

As soon as she said that the smile on your face instantly dropped.

"Um, okay, yeah, just, you know, be careful." You heartbrokenly responded.

You were a bit set back by the fact that not even Natasha remembered it wasn't like her at all but you didn't want to bring up it and make a big deal out of nothing.

"We will. Have a good day at school." She said.

"Thanks," You said as your voice cracked and you quickly turned back around and out the door.


You arrived back home before you walked in the door you remembered that no one is here since they're all away on a mission.

You pulled out your phone and texted your friends to see if they wanted to come over and hang out. They responded back that they were too busy tonight.

You made plans with yourself as you entered the compound that you were going to order a shit-load of food and watch so many movies.

You made your way to the common room since everyone is gone all the lights were off

"Hey, FRIDAY, can you turn the lights on?" You asked the A.I

When the lights turned on you were greeted by a big surprise

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY." screamed so many voices.

All your family, you're two best friends, lots of SHIELD agents and lots of people that you had no clue who they were even Maria and Fury were all there to surprise you.

Natasha was the first one to greet you. She wrapped her arms around you and accepted her hug.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." She whispered.

"Thanks, Nat." You couldn't stop smiling.


During the party, Natasha made it very clear that you were only allowed one glass of champagne. But before you knew it one glass turned into three and you somehow ended up doing shots with a group of people that were too drunk to realise that you were underage. 

An hour later Natasha found you laughing at a wall drinking a bottle of beer.

"You're done," Nat said taking the bottle from your hand.

"And you're dizzy." Drunk you thought that comment was hilarious and you burst out laughing.

She took the bottle from you and placed it on a nearby table.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," Nat said as she put her arm around your waist and helped you to your room.


"You always take such good care of me, Natasha," you said as she helped you walk through the bedroom door and sat you on your bed

"Here drink this." She said handing you the half-drunk bottle of water that was on your bedside table.

"No, I don't want it," you whined pushing her hand away from you.

"I don't care if you like it or not it will help you from feeling like shit in the morning." She said sounding like a stern mother.

"Fine." You took the bottle from her and drank it all not realizing just how thirsty you actually was.

"Great job, now let's get you into bed. " She pulled back the covers

helping you get into bed and making sure that you were in the correct position so you don't die if you throw up during the night.

"Night, night, mommy," you mumbled and as soon as your head hit the pillow you were out like a light.

Even though Natasha was disappointed she couldn't help but smile at the fact that you called her mom. She has always seen you as her daughter but she wasn't certain if you saw her as your mother. She wanted to ask you about it but always put it off in case that you didn't.

Natasha slept in your room that night on the sofa bed just in case anything happened to you during the night that she would quickly be by your side.

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