Lost At The Park

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Warnings: Annoying small child, Steve Anymore let me know

Age: 15

Word Count: 2,487

Requests: Closed

Summary: You accidentally lost your little sister at the park

Requested by: No one this was all me

Date: 08/06/2023

A/N: I'm going to get all the Marvel requests finished first then I will start on the Once Upon a Time ones.


"Y/N, get up now." Your mom shouted and banged on your bedroom door.

It was 2 pm on a Saturday, why was she waking you up this early in the day?

"You promised your sister you would take her to the park today." She shouted. "If you don't get up in the next 5 minutes you're going to be in big trouble young lady."

After exactly 4 and a half minutes of laying in bed, you finally managed to get up.

You walked slowly out of your room stumbling down the hallway with droopy eyes and a limp posture down to the kitchen. You were pretty much looking like a zombie but at least you know that if a zombie apocalypse did ever happen you would be prepared on how to fake being one.

As you walked into the kitchen Tony was sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Oh look it finally came out of its cave. It's very nice of you to join us Y/N." Tony said then he took a sip of his coffee.

You covered your face with your hands and let out a low groan.

"Finally you're awake." Your mom said from behind you.

"I'm too tired." You said wiping your eyes.

"Well maybe if you didn't stay up to 6 am talking to your girlfriend then you wouldn't be so tired. Don't lie to me and say that you didn't because I heard you."

Your face instantly turned a shade of red you can't exactly remember what you and your girlfriend were talking about last night but it was probably not appropriate. Definitely not someone that a parent should hear.

Natasha saw that you were getting embarrassed and changed the subject. "Anyway go have a shower and get dressed Kira has been waiting all morning for you."

Kira is your half-sister. Five years ago your mom made the biggest mistake of her life. She got so drunk at one of Tony's parties and for whatever reason, made her decide to have a one-night stand with Steve which resulted in her getting pregnant and your life being completely ruined now that you won't be the only and favourite child anymore.

Thankfully even though she decided to keep the baby she didn't want things to go any further with Steve. He accepted her wishes and after a while, he finally got over her and moved on which you were so grateful for she could do so much better.

You let out a loud sigh "Okay fine." then left the kitchen to go shower.


After you had finished your shower you got yourself dried then dressed then you began to make your way back downstairs

You walked into the living room and stood leaning again the door frame watching your mom finish helping Kira with her shoes and put her coat on.

"Finally you're ready I've been waiting so long for you." You said walking over to them.

"No, I wait on you," Kira whined.

"Y/N don't wind up your sister." Natasha sighed.

She took Kira's hand and took her to the front door and you followed them.

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