Untitled Part 58

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Hi there

Can I please request a WandaNat and reader daughter please?

Natasha is our mum and is worried about us at school when we show up with a black eye.

Natasha's girlfriend Wanda is a teacher at a private school and gets us in. But finds out we have dyslexia and both women work hard to help us get up to the right reading level.

Or something. I'm not really sure, but anything you come up with will be amazing I'm sure 😉

Love your work ..... Happy thanksgiving ! 

Warnings: mentions of bullying and some other stuff.

Age: 15

Word Count: 1,133

Requests: Open

Summary: Read the request and it will explain everything

Requested by: Tumblr user

Date: 23/02/2024

paring: Natasha and Wanda

A/N: Thank you for your request I hope that you like it even though it's not great but it just be like that sometimes.

Also Happy very very late Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and whatever other holidays have passed since you sent in your request.


There used to be a time, believe it or not when you loved going to school but ever since you started high school everything changed.

You somehow managed to find yourself being the main target for the bullies in your year. Maybe it was because they found out that you were an Avenger's daughter who had no special abilities or that there was something wrong with your brain that constantly made you mess up on words when you had to read aloud in class.

They convinced you that you were worthless and that you would never achieve anything in life.


It was the last class of the day which happened to be gym and of course, your gym teacher thought it was a brilliant idea to have a game of dodgeball.

It was a disaster from the moment the game started. The bullies seemed to only be throwing the balls at you and either the teacher didn't notice or just didn't care but he didn't interfere once that was until one of them threw the ball right at your eye and you spent the rest of the class sitting on the bench holding an ice pack to your eye.

Finally, the torture ended and you made it home without any other injuries apart from the very swollen soon-to-be black eye.

You stood outside the door with the key in your hand hoping that your mom wouldn't be there. You knew that she was going to see it eventually it's not like that you just avoid her completely for the next week or so while it healed.

Just in case she was in there you put up your hood and then unlocked the door.

You walked into the apartment and of course, your mom was sitting on the couch but she was on her laptop hopefully she's distracted enough for you to quickly get past her without her saying anything.

"How was school baby?" Natasha asked.

"Fine." You responded continuing to walk to your room.

You had done it you managed to get past her without her saying anything.

"Stop right there Y/N," Natasha said standing up and walking over to you.

Well, you got away with it for a while 10 seconds.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now