Nightmare (Request)

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Hey! I've always seen fics about reader haveing a nightmare and Nat comforting and takeing care of us after and i was wandering if you could write one where Nat has a nightmare of loseing Y/N, her daughter, her only child and Y/N assuring her mama that she's not going anywhere. Y/N is like 16-17 years old. Maybe if it's not too much to ask even end it with some fluff, like the reader and Nat falling asleep while cuddling? Thank you! 😊

Natasha Romanoff x Teen Reader

Warning: Mentions of the reader getting shot and killed. Anymore let me know.


Word Count: 1,869

Requests: Open!! Ask Away

Summary: You comfort your mom after she had a nightmare.

Requested by: Tumblr User


You were sleeping in your mom's bed since the two of you were watching movies and you ended up falling asleep halfway through.

Your mom didn't want to disturb you so she just let you stay plus you were just so warm and cosy cuddled up to your mama.

Natasha kissed you, on the head, goodnight, turned off the tv and the lamp on her bedside table then went to sleep.

She then got a horrible dream. She dreamed that you had joined them on a mission and she had taken her eyes off you for a second and you got shot in the stomach. She had tried everything to stop the bleeding but nothing was working and you ended up passing away in her arms.


You got woken up by the sound of your mom screaming.

You bolted upright and shook your mom trying to get her to wake up

After a few violent shakes and screaming her name she finally woke up.

She quickly sat up and wrapped her arms around you. You have never seen your mom like this before.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, baby, I'm so sorry." Natasha sobbed in your arms

"Mama, it's okay, I'm okay." You whispered in her ear

"Look at me, I'm fine, see." You pulled away from your mom's grip so she could look at you.

Natasha put her hands on your shoulders and rested her forehead against yours.

"I promised that I would always protect you and I failed."

"No you didn't fail, you do everything that you possibly can to keep me safe."

"But I didn't keep you safe. I let you get shot, I had to watch you die." She removed one of her hands from your shoulder to wipe away some of her tears but her forehead remained pressed against yours.

"Mama, I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to stay with you forever. I promise that nothing is going to happen to me and no one's going to mess with the black widow's daughter cause they know what would happen to them if they do."

You knew that you had to do something to help your mom and you had an idea of how you could cheer her up.

"How about this we go downstairs, watch a movie and eat Sams leftover food and we can blame it on Bucky?"

Natasha let out a small laugh and it was a relief for you. You always made it your goal to get your mom to laugh when she was having a bad day no matter how long it took but you always did it and this time was no different.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now