Wrong Child

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Warnings: Let me know
Age: 4 and 16
Word Count: 928
Requests: Open
Summary: Thor was given one job by Natasha and that was bringing you home from school safety but he failed.
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Date: 15/07/2022

You were at pre-school today and since your mom was going to be stuck in meetings all day. She wasn't going to be able to collect you and the only free person was Thor.

Natasha gave Thor the easiest instructions that anyone could follow.

Step 1. Arrive at Y/N's school by 2:55 pm.
Step 2. Wait for Y/N's teacher to dismiss each student and go up to the door to get her.
Step 3. Bring Y/N home safe and unharmed.

Thor arrived at the school just in time. The school bell rang and he was expecting all the kids to be let out calmly but instead, the double doors swung over and a swarm of children came running and screaming out of the building he was watching all the kids but he couldn't see you.

Thor started to look around the playground when he spotted you. It was actually the red hair that gave it away.

As he started walking over when a large number of kids ran over to him and started shouting questions at him.

"Okay, tiny midguardians I'm looking for Y/N," Thor asked the kids.

They starts looking around and pointed in the direction of where you were.

He looked over and saw you again then walked over to you and took your hand. "Time to go home." Then he took you home.

You were quiet the whole journey home. Thor wasn't sure if this was normal behaviour for you since he's never taken you home from school before so he just left it.

Thor led you inside the compound and then into the common room

"Look who's home," Thor announced.

All eyes turned in his direction. Clint stood up and walked over looking down at the small girl

"Who's that?" Clint asked.

"What do you mean who's that it's Y/N."

"take a good look at her Thor," Clint said.

Thor looked down and not Y/N looked up at him.

Wanda walked in "I've made Y/N a snack. Where is she?"

"Well according to the babysitter of the year Y/N is right here," Tony said sitting down on the sofa.

"What's your name sweetheart?" Wanda asked crouching down to the girl's level.

"Y/N." She replied

"Well, that explains it."  Clint sighs sitting down next to Tony.

"Has anyone told Natasha yet?" Wanda asked looking around at the boys.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer to the common room.

"I have a feeling she's going to find out on her own," Tony stated putting his feet up onto the coffee table getting ready to enjoy the show.

"I just got a call from Y/N's Teacher who has just informed me that Y/N is still there and another little girl is missing," Natasha said oddly calm walking over to Thor.

"I gave you three very simple steps and somehow you've managed to fail to do them all now where is this girl?"

Thor stepped to the side and revealed the little girl who was standing behind him.

"Come on sweetheart I'll take you back to your mom." Natasha softly spoke holding out her hand.

Not Y/N took Natasha's hand and followed her.

Natasha stopped and turned around "Don't think that you're getting out of this one. You're coming to explain to my daughter why you didn't pick her up."

Thor didn't say anything since he knew better not to he just followed Natasha out the door.


You were sitting in your classroom drawing when the door opened you looked up and a wide smile grew on your face when you saw who it was.


You stood up and ran over to your mama at the same time, not Y/N ran over to hers.

Natasha lifted you and you wrapped your arms around her neck and hugged her so tightly.

"I waited and waited and waited but no one showed up," you said with tears forming in your eyes.

Natasha felt her heart shatter. She hates seeing her baby like this

"I'm so sorry baby. Mama promises that it will never happen again." Natasha promised hugging you tightly.

After Natasha and Thor apologised to your teacher and not Y/N's mom they took you home.

When you got home Natasha took Thor away to have a little chat you didn't see him for a while after that And when he finally made an appearance again it was almost like he was too scared to go near you.

You spent the rest of the day cuddling with your mama in her bed. You were starting to wish that you could get left at school again as you were loving all the attention that you were getting. You even got to eat dinner in your mom's bed which never happens.

Every day after that incident Thor had been apologising and giving you whatever you wanted


*13 years later*

You walked into the kitchen and you saw Thor sitting at the table eating something.

"Hey Thor what are you eating?" you asked.


"Cool can I have one?"

"This is my last one." He told you.

"Remember that time when I was 4 years old and you took another kid home and left me at school?"

Thor sighed and handed you the pop tart.

You took it from him and gave him a kiss on the cheek "thank you Thor." then you skipped away happily eating the pop tart

You very much enjoyed using your new superpower And you could wait to start testing it out to see what it could really do.

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