Proving Them Wrong (Request)

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Anonymous asked:

Can I request avengers x fem! teen! Reader

Where reader is a new recruit and the avengers don't like her (except Peter because he knows that's she's not useless, just scared) because they think she's useless

Reader has mind control powers, but the avengers don't know because she's been so scared to use them (past trauma) so during a mission the avengers are at lost hope so reader hops in to help being there only hope. She uses her powers to the best of her abilities and saves everyone, also leaving the avengers flabbergasted. But since reader ends up on best rest for overpowering herself and became mentally drained.

The avengers apologize and thank her for saving them after all they put her through

Warnings: Absolutely

Age: 16

Word Count: 2,502

Requests: Closed

Summary: Read the request and you will get a general idea

Requested by: Anonymous

Date: 16/05/2023

A/N: Lost motivation again so that's fun. Is anyone actually still reading these stories?

This request is like over a year old but we're not going to talk about that


You've been with the Avengers for almost a month now, but things aren't going as smoothly as you hoped. At first, everyone was welcoming and friendly, but lately, you've been getting the sense that they don't quite know what to do with you. After all, you don't have any obvious superpowers like the others do.

But what they don't realize is that your powers are more subtle than they appear. You've always had a knack for hearing other people's thoughts, but as you've grown older, you've learned how to control and enhance that ability. You can now manipulate people and objects around you with ease, all without anyone else noticing.

It wasn't easy growing up with these powers, though. Your grandparents discovered your abilities after they found out that you were responsible for your parent's death, and they sent you away to a secret organization to protect your younger siblings from you. There, you learned how to control your powers and keep them hidden from others.

The Avengers found you locked up in a cage and they took you in. You knew you couldn't tell them the truth about your powers, so you changed the details of your backstory to make it seem like you were just a normal person. They took you in out of pity, but you knew you had nowhere else to go.

As you settle in with the Avengers, you can't help but feel like an outsider. But you're determined to prove yourself and show them that you're more than just a liability.


"You were in your room, the biggest room that you have ever had in your entire life, that you had decorated with posters of your interests and a few plants that you had managed to keep alive only because they're fake and you didn't realize that they were till almost a month of owning them, you were even regularly watering them too.

You were sitting on your bed, your legs crossed, and your hands fidgeting with a pen as you tried to focus on your sketchbook. You heard a knock at your door and recognized Peter's thoughts immediately.

"You can come in, Peter," you called out, putting the sketchbook aside.

Peter pushed open the door and stepped inside. He looked around the room, taking in the posters and the plants.

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