Dont Use Your Magic (Request)

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Can i request something where young or teen wandanat daughter loves using her powers around home but wanda doesn't want her too and r tries to get nat to back her up all the time and nay is just like im not apart of this 

Warnings: I don't think that there is any but if there is just let me know.

Age: 7

Word Count: 1,248

Requests: Closed

Summary: Read the request and it will explain everything

Requested by: Anonymous on Tumblr

Date: 15/01/2024

paring: Natasha and Wanda

A/N: Thank you for your request I hope that you like it. Wrote this instead of writing an essay for college. Yes, the ending is terrible but we just don't talk about that.


For as long as they could remember since they have been together Natasha and Wanda talked about expanding their family and having a child together.

They thought about adoption but what they wanted was to have the whole baby experience including getting pregnant, carrying the baby, giving birth then dealing with it for its whole life until it decides that it wants to move out and look after itself

Since Natasha was unable to have a child they agreed that Wanda would be the one who would carry the baby and after months and months of IVF, she finally became pregnant.

During Wanda's pregnancy, everything went smoothly, and they did many tests to ensure the baby's health. Time went by quickly and before they knew it their little baby was here in the world.

Wanda gave birth to a healthy baby girl and they named her Y/N.

As you grew up there were some concerns about whether you inherited powers from Wanda but the older you got there were no signs of you having any powers that was until you reached the age of 7 when you discovered that you had these new abilities.

Wanda and Natasha were scared that you wouldn't be able to control your powers and it would only get worse but with lots of training from your mom, you picked it up very quickly and learned how to control your abilities.


Your moms didn't like you using your magic at home or in public but that didn't stop you from doing it especially when your parents weren't around to tell you off.

You used your magic to lift two teddy bears in the air and make them dance. You were giggling so loud that Wanda heard you from the kitchen and knew that you were up to something no good.

She walked into the living room and when you saw her you instantly froze. You could tell that she wasn't happy when she had her hands on her hips.

"Hi Mommy," You said not sounding guilty in the slightest.

"What are you doing Y/N you know that you're not allowed to use magic."

"They're just dancing Mommy," You said moving your fingers to make the bears dance again.

"That's not the point Y/N what if someone saw?" she asked grabbing the teddies and dropping them on the floor beside you.

You stood up and waved your hands in front of the curtains and closed them. "There now no one will see." Then you sat back on the floor and picked up on the teddies.

Wanda walked over to the curtains and opened them again and before she could say anything the front door opened.

"I'm home," Natasha shouted.

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