Please Remember (Request)

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Warning: Amnesia, mentions of different injuries, google translated Russian (yes that does need a warning) anymore just let me know

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Warning: Amnesia, mentions of different injuries, google translated Russian (yes that does need a warning) anymore just let me know.
Age: 16
Word Count: 2,627
Requests: Closed
Summary: You got into an incident during a mission which results in your losing your memories.
A/N: I'm not sure if amnesia works like how I've written it.
Requested By: @Griffin_girl
The Avengers were getting ready to leave for a mission and you wanted to tag along with them on this one. You were technically an avenger but not really. It's only because your mother is one that you get classed as one

You were one day hoping to become an actual Avenger and go on missions, help save the world, just all the general avenger stuff. You went on some missions with them as long as they weren't dangerous but your mom never left your side during them and that wasn't going to change anytime soon to her you were just a little baby that she had to protect all the time.


You went to go find your mom to ask her if you could go the worst that she could say was no.

Thankfully the first place you checked was her bedroom and she was there packing up some gear. You leaned against the doorframe getting ready to ask her.

"Mom?" You said nervously

"Yeah, honey?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could come with you on the mission?" You started playing with your fingers

"Sure why not."  "if I'm going to be a real Aven..." You both said at the same time

"Wait what?"

"Well, you're getting older now and if you are really that serious then maybe it's only best that you start coming on more missions." She placed the last gun in her duffle bag then zipped it up 

You were not expecting to hear that. You quickly went over to her and gave her the biggest hug ever.

"Thanks, mama, you're the best." You squealed

"yup, that's me. Now go get suited up we're leaving in 10 minutes."

"Best mom ever." You gave her a quick kiss on the cheek then you hurried off to your room to get ready.


You met everyone at the QuinJet and you knew that your mom would have all of your weapons with her already so you didn't have to worry about getting them.

Once everyone had boarded the Quinjet it took off and the whole journey your mom gave you the same lecture about how you should always listen to Steve's instructions, don't wander off, and if you do happen to get lost make sure to keep your comms and your tracker activated at all times so you can be located. Just the general stuff that she goes over with you every time.

The QuinJet landed in a random town in Bulgaria. You were told the name of the town but you had forgotten it. The mission was to find and stop a group of HYDRA members who were experimenting on local civilians.

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