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Natasha Romanoff x Teen Reader

Warnings: Sure

Age: 13

Word Count: 966

Requests: Open

Summary: Sometimes pranks don't always work as well as you hoped they would.


Living with the Avengers is without a doubt the best thing in the world.

Your parents abandoned you when you were only 10 years old, about the time when you started to discover that you had powers. They didn't want to have a freak for a child.

Natasha found out wandering around the streets and she took you back to the Avengers tower with her.

It took you a while to open up and trust Natasha and the others but when you finally did it was the happiest and most loved that you ever felt in your whole life.

Then when your 13th birthday rolled around Natasha gave you the one present that you have been wanting for a long time...adoption papers. She was finally your mother and you were finally her child.

It was never a dull day at the tower there was always lots to do. Video game competitions with Sam, training with your mom learning new combat skills, how to control your powers and how to use them to your advantage, spending the afternoons in the library cuddled up on the sofa reading and sometimes joining in on pranks with your uncle Clint.

The most recent prank that you and Clint pulled together was the classic flour bombing. Clint was the one who put the open bag of flour on the door of the top kitchen cabinet since you were too small to reach so when someone opened it the flour would fall on them covering them in flour.

You both were expecting that it would be Steve that it would fall on since you heard him say that he was going to make coffee. But the person who it actually fell on was the very person that you didn't want to prank.

"Clint!" You heard your mom shout.

"Oh, you're dead." You said to Clint whilst you laughed.

"If I'm going down then you're going down with me." He warned you then he grabbed your hand and started running.

He dragged you to a nearby hall closet and walked inside. You were a bit hesitant at first cause you knew that this would be the first place that she would look.

"Up there." He said pointing up at the air duct.

He gave you a boost and the both of you carefully crawled through the air duct to the other side of the tower.

You jumped down first and started walking. You turned your head and Clint wasn't behind you.

As you tuned a corner Nat jumped out

"Y/N!" She called out.

You got such a fright you let out a scream and started running back the way you came.


As you were running down a flight of stairs you couldn't help but think about the fact that Natasha was clean there wasn't a spot of flour on her so why is she chasing you and Clint wherever he ran off to.

You ran down to the living room and Steve had walked in at the same time as you but from the other entrance.

You ran over to him and hid behind him.

"You alright, Y/N?" He asked you sounded confused.

"Yeah, I just need you to protect me from mom, she's out to get me." You told him panting since you've practically ran the full length of the tower.

He really didn't want to get involved but he just couldn't say no to you so instead he stayed in front of you.

you were both so fixated on the door that you came through a moment ago waiting on Natasha appearing that you both completely forgot about the two others that lead into the living room.

"Gotcha." A voice said from behind you and you felt two hands grip your shoulders.

You let out a shriek.

Steve went through to the kitchen to get you some water you'd definitely need some especially after all that running around that you've just done.

Natasha then wrapped her arms around your shoulders you tried to wiggle out of her grip but she was much stronger than you and she didn't budge.

You eventually admitted defeat then you gently fell into her.

After a couple of seconds of being in your mom's arms, you suddenly remember something.

"Mom, how come you're not covered in flour?" You asked her

"Did you really think that you could pull a prank on me plus I saw you and Clint setting up that little prank so I decided to prank you both back." She told you.

"That makes so much more sense." You admitted.

"Hang on, where did uncle Clint go I lost him when we both came out of the air duct?" You wondered.

"I saw him head for outside," Steve said returning with two water bottles in his hands handing them to you and Nat.

"Traitor." You said before taking a big gulp of water.

"I'll go give him a call and tell him it's safe to come back," Steve said then he took off.

Nat put her arm around your shoulder again and she led you to the sofa. You both sat down and she removed the blanket that was resting on the back of the sofa and covered you both up. You shifted yourself back and she did the same.

You snuggled up against her and she put her arm around you and pulled you closer to her. She picked up the remote and put on your favourite movie.

20 minutes into the movie and your eyes started to get heavy and you ended up falling asleep cuddled up, warm and safe, besides your mama.

You have now learned your lesson that if you ever tried to pull a prank on your mom she'll one hundred percent get you back for it.

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