Wedding Day (Request)

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Warnings: NoneAge: 20s Word Count: 921Requests: ClosedSummary: it's your wedding day Requested by: @Superflash2255Date: 16/12/22A/N: don't start working kids it ruins your life and completely takes over everything that's why it's taking me so long...

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Warnings: None
Age: 20s
Word Count: 921
Requests: Closed
Summary: it's your wedding day
Requested by: @Superflash2255
Date: 16/12/22
A/N: don't start working kids it ruins your life and completely takes over everything that's why it's taking me so long to get requests done.
It was the happiest day of your life but with every minute that passed, you got more and more nervous.

You already had your dress on that was the first thing you did Wanda told you that it would be easier to put on the dress first so it wouldn't ruin your hair or get any make-up stains on it

Wanda put a towel over your front in case any make-up spilt.

"Cheer up Y/N it is your wedding after all," Wanda said applying foundation to your face.

"I am cheered up. That doesn't sound right. Is that right? Che... cheered up? Cheer uped? Happy I'm happy." You ranted.

"Okay, I believe you." Wanda laughed as she began to blend the makeup on your face.

"Now how do you want to have your hair up or down?" She asked.

"Definitely up it just gets in the way when it's down."

As Wanda was fixing your hair your mom and your soon-to-be husband's aunt walked in. You saw your mom in the mirror and she was smiling so widely.

"Come here baby let me get a good look at you," Natasha said.

You got up and walked over to her.

"You look so beautiful." Natasha smiled.

"How are you feeling honey?" May, your soon-to-be husband's aunt, asked.

"I'm the happiest I've ever been but also the more nervous I've ever been." You chuckled.

"Well, that's to be expected," May said.

"We'll leave you and your mom alone for a while honey," Wanda said putting away the last of the makeup.

As Wanda and May left the room Wanda turned back. "No crying I don't you want you ruining my masterpiece." Then she left.

You looked back at your mom and saw that she was starting to tear up.
She quickly wiped away a tear that fell down her cheek. "I can't believe that my little girl is all grown up. You're no longer a baby anymore."
You tried your hardest to hold back the tears so you wouldn't ruin your make-up.
"No matter how old I am I'll always be your little girl. Your baby." You hugged your mom tightly.
While you were hugging your mom you heard the door open. You looked over your mom's shoulder and saw May walk back into the room holding something.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I wanted Y/N to have this," May said walking closer to you.
You pulled away from Natasha and looked at what May had.
"This vail was mine. I wore it on my wedding day and I wanted you to have it for your something borrowed." She told you
"Thank you May it's so pretty." You hugged her being careful not to damage the veil.
May handed the veil to Natasha and she put it on you "perfect" she smiled.
"Are you all finished getting ready?" Natasha asked. "It's nearly time."
"I just have to put my jewellery on then I'm all done." You told her.
"While you do that we're going to check to make sure that everyone is ready," Natasha said then she and May left the room.
You start putting in all of your earrings then you put on your necklace that has your mom's symbol on it. That necklace has been with you through so much so it's definitely coming along for your wedding day.
The door opened and Natasha walked in "it's time sweetheart"
You walked over to her and linked your arm with hers then started making your way to the hall where the ceremony is taking place.
Natasha opened the doors for you and the music started playing.
As you started to slowly walk down the aisle you looked at all your family who was smiling so widely at you. Then you made eye contact with him, Peter Parker, The man who you will call your husband very soon.
Tears started forming in your eyes you tried your hardest to not let them fall. You didn't want to ruin your makeup especially not now.
You and Natasha reached the end of the aisle she carefully lifted up the veil and put it over your head then places a kiss on your cheek.
You turned to the side and handed your bouquet to your maid of honour MJ then you turned back to look at Peter and he took hold of both your hands.
After the Pastor finished his speech it was time for vows.
While Peter was saying his vows you couldn't stop smiling all you wanted was to leave over and kiss him but you knew that you had to wait.
While you were saying your vows tears formed in your eyes but this time you couldn't hold them back.
After the vows were done the pastor announced that it was now time for the rings.
You turned to MJ and Peter turned to his best man Ned and you both took the rings from them
Peter carefully put the ring on your finger and you did the same
"By the power vested in me by God and man, I pronounce you wife and husband. You may now kiss the bride." The pastor said
Finally, the moment you have been waiting so long for. Peter cups your face and you place your hands on his wrists and he kisses you.
You pull away and you both can't stop smiling at each other.
He holds out his hand for you to take and you both walk down the aisle as Mr and Mrs Parker.

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