Naughty Step (Request)

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Warnings: Let me knowAge: 2Word Count: 1,057Requests: OpenSummary: Your bad behaviour caused you to be put in the naughty stepRequested by: @EveAngela9Date: 07/10/2022A/N: The ending is awful I hate it so much it just ruins the whole story

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Warnings: Let me know
Age: 2
Word Count: 1,057
Requests: Open
Summary: Your bad behaviour caused you to be put in the naughty step
Requested by: @EveAngela9
Date: 07/10/2022
A/N: The ending is awful I hate it so much it just ruins the whole story. I wrote the perfect ending last night and when I went back this morning everything that I wrote was gone.


The Avengers were all sitting around the table and enjoying their Saturday night takeaway together.

Since everyone was so busy with their own lives Saturdays were the only time when everyone could get together.

Tonight's dinner was pizza. You were sitting in your high chair watching your mom cut up your slice into smaller pieces.


Lots of different serious conversations were happening all at once and there was you telling Wanda about your new colouring book and that you coloured a dinosaur in yellow and that you decided your mama's phone was needing to be cleaned so you took it in the bath with you and used it as a bath toy. 

You were such a talkative 2-year-old that Natasha had to remind you constantly to stop talking and eat your dinner.

It had taken you a while but you had finally eaten nearly eaten half of the pizza.

Peter was sitting next to you and you looked at his plate and you saw that he had French fries and you wanted some.

"Y/N have one pwease?" You pointed at Peter's plate.

"Is that okay Ms Romanoff?" Peter asked first before he gave you any just in case.

"Only one Peter since she still has pizza to eat."

Peter handed you a french fry and you ate it then you pointed at his plate "more pwease."

"No Y/N eat your own dinner not Peter's," Steve said.

That sentence right there was your breaking point. You couldn't believe that he would say something like that it caused you to start screaming.

"Want more." You screamed.

"You can get more but only if you say please." Natasha tried to reason with you she hated seeing you get this upset over some fries.

Of course, you being a stubborn 2-year-old decided to go in the complete opposite direction. "No pwease." You angrily crossed your arms.

"Why?" Natasha asked trying to hide her laughter. For some reason, she always found your little toddler tantrums the funniest thing ever and very amusing but she tried her best to hide it she didn't want to encourage that behaviour.

Steve was the complete opposite he found no amusement in it whatsoever and got annoyed by your screaming very quickly.

"Pwease yucky."

"Okay then no more for Y/N," Natasha said

"MORE!" You screamed as loud as you possibly could.

"Y/N, stop being silly," Steve said getting more annoyed.

But you didn't stop if anything it just made you scream more.

Steve stood up took you out of the high chair and walked away carrying you.

"Mama!" You cried trying to reach out for her but she didn't come to save you.

Steve sat you down on the step in the next room. "You stay here Y/N till I come get you," Steve said firmly then he walked away.

You got up and followed him then he put you back on the step.


It has been six times you had got up from the step only to be put back on it and you weren't planning on giving up any time soon.

"Steve just stop you're not going to win this she's not going to give up. She's too much like Natasha." Sam said watching you and him go back and forth.

"That's what she wants she wants me to give up." Steve picked you up and placed you on the step yet again.

You screamed and screamed for your mama but you didn't move from the step

After 5 minutes of nonstop screaming, there was silence.

Natasha went to check on you and saw you sleeping on the step with your thumb in your mouth. Your face was bright red from all the screaming and crying.

She picked you up and carried you Into the common room where everyone was.

"I think it's time we take this little one home," Natasha whispered.

After Steve and Natasha said goodbye to everyone they got into their car and drove home.

They moved out of the compound a few months after they found out that Natasha was pregnant they decided that the compound wasn't a safe place for a baby to be and they wanted their own space too.

The drive back home was completely silent since you were asleep and Steve and Natasha didn't say a word to each other.

Natasha carried you into the house and to your bed. After she tucked you in and was certain that you were safe and sound she went to her and Steve's bedroom.

She didn't go all the way into the room she leaned against the door frame and watched as Steve folded some laundry.

Steve didn't even need Natasha to speak he just knew that she was there.

"Please just say whatever it is that you're planning on saying." He placed a folded pair of socks in the laundry basket and then turned to face Natasha.

"I don't think that you handled things with our daughter correctly."

"Well, what did you expect me to do Nat she was out of control?" Steve said starting an argument that he definitely wasn't prepared for.

"She's not out of control Steve she's a toddler she's just doing what toddlers do" Natasha argued back she wasn't going to let him think he is right about this.

"She needs to be disciplined more Natasha you're not strict enough with her and have let her get away with far too much."

"I have been giving her the discipline that she needs but I have also been showing her that she is free to express her emotions how she thinks is right and not be made to hide them away and be scared to show any real feelings."

When Natasha said that Steve went silent he had forgotten that Natasha wanted to give their daughter the childhood that she never had.

Steve walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry honey I know that you want our daughter to have the childhood that you always dreamed about having and she will I promise. I will do everything I can to keep you both safe. Please forgive me."

A smile grew on Natasha's face then she placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Of course I forgive you."

"Thank you," Steve said gently cupping her face and kissing her again.

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