Gone Missing Part 2 (Request)

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Warnings: Stranger Danger, Tony, My horrible late-night writing. Anymore let me know

Age: 12

Word Count: 1.561

Requests: Open

Summary: You set out on an adventure to find your dad but you didn't get very far.

Requested by:

Date: 04/07/2022


As you were walking along the road you were starting to get tired and cold. Many cars stopped for you but none of the people spoke English so they just drove off.

As one car stopped you didn't have much hope that these people spoke English either.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" The woman in the passenger seat asked. "Are you lost?"

"Do you know the way back to New York?" You asked.

"Honey, to get to New York you will need to get a ferry to the mainland and a plane to New York." The woman told you then she got out of the car and a man got out too.

"Where are your parents?" She asked kneeling to your level.

"My daddy is in New York and my mama is in a trailer somewhere around here." You explained.

"Do you remember where about this trailer is sweetheart so we can take you back to your mama?"

"No I can't remember I just want my daddy, I want to go home." You cried.

"It's okay sweetie we'll help you get home. Can you tell us your name?" The woman asked.

"It's Y/N."

"Good job, Y/N, and do you know your last name?"

You nodded "it's Rogers."

"You're doing amazing." the woman smiled "I'm Caroline and this is my husband Clint." She pointed over at him and he was on the phone

"I have an uncle named Clint." You smiled.

"Is he back home with your dad?" Caroline asked.

You nodded.

"Y/N, what's your dad's name?" Clint asked.


"And is his last name Rogers too?"

You nodded You heard Clint repeating what you told him over the phone.

"And what's your mom's name?"


"Great and is her last name Rogers as well?"

You shook your head "it's Romanoff."

Clint and Caroline shared a look then she looked back at you.

"Are you sure those are your parents' names sweetie?" Caroline asked which you nodded.

"She's claiming that her parents are a couple of the avengers," Clint said down the phone.

"How old are you?" Clint asked.


"12." He repeated.

"Okay, thank you, bye," Clint said then he hung up the phone and walked over to you and Caroline.

"We've just to wait here the police will be here soon," Clint told his wife.

"The police but I haven't done anything wrong I just want to find my daddy." You worryingly said taking steps back.

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