The next day after my date with Alice

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I sit in a dark place somewhat warm but with little space, I feel a heartbeat above me, what will it be, I try to make some more space by pressing what seems like a wall in front of me, well it is something slimy but soft, but then I feel that a hand from the outside presses me to return to my place, now that I realize, I am submerged in a liquid, I can still breathe, how strange, I hope I am not claustrophobic, otherwise I will have serious problems if I cannot get out of here, but the heartbeat that is on me, makes me feel very calm.

Uff what a dream I have had, first I go out with a dream woman and now the strange dream, they are two consecutive dreams, mmm this is not my room, the room of my dream, it cannot be, the woman's thing was true, and where is it? I'd better go find her in the kitchen, maybe she's already having breakfast.

Going down to the kitchen I saw a plate stacked with ten chicken skeletons and then Alice who was sucking on a chicken wing leaving it with only bones.

She was naked and she smiled at me while she left the chicken bone on the plate while she took a huge jug of juice that she began to drink quickly, when she finished she told me that she could serve me whatever I wanted, and she touched one of her huge breasts saying that he could serve me milk if I wanted.

I went back into automatic pilot and started sucking her breast, her nipple swelled so much that it looked like a pacifier, I was able to get the milk that was warm very easily, I don't know how long I spent sucking, but I did it until I was full, she smiled a lot and she told me that she was glad I liked her milk.I came out of my trance and told her it was delicious, she laughed and told me that finally the milk she produced was not wasted, although much of the food she was digesting was going to her hips and butt, part of her was going to her breasts and the rest as part of her belly fat and milk.

I smiled, but it was time to go, she gave me her cell phone number so that we could contact, also I was very interested in continuing to go out with her and witness her big belly when she finished eating.

I got ready and said goodbye to her with a kiss, then I went home quietly in a car thinking about that beautiful woman, she really made me feel very special, I can't wait for it to be the weekend again to go out with her again .

When I got to my house my cell phone rang, I hoped it was Alice, but it was the girl who had canceled my former date with her yesterday, her name was Missy, now she wanted to go out with me today, that she was very sorry, I told her very kindly that I was no longer interested, also just It was a date to know each other us so there wouldn't be much of a problem, she took it very badly and told me that I couldn't be resentful, that just because she canceled me once I shouldn't negate me the opportunity to meet her anymore.

The more arguments she gave me, the angrier he was heard, as if she took it very personal to be told no, I had to tell her that I had an unforeseen event and that I could not continue speaking, and that I was not going to change my decision to resume the date of yesterday and hung up.

She rang me 5 more times, which I did not answer, when I felt calmer, I received a notification from work that there would be a project presentation on Monday and that I should review the issues, what bad luck.

So I went over the presentation topics for hours, even during lunch, almost at night I received a message from Alice, it was her naked taking a picture in the mirror with a huge belly almost the size of yesterday when she finished from eating at the restaurant, she then sent me 3 audio sounds telling me to guess what's inside her stomach.

I started to listen to the audios, the truth was that they sounded different, the first was soft that seemed like music, the second something heavy and slow; the last one roared loudly, I imagine it will be from each region of her stomach taking care of the animal that was inside, so the difference would be in the type, a big difference or maybe some would be processed food.

I started to think for a long time, definitely a turkey would be inside, it shows that it is part of their diet, but the others, perhaps pork, it would be too much to repeat two dishes two days in a row, I better answer one.

I told her stuffed turkey, she said yes, but it was obvious, if that's what she eats every day, but there was already one that was right, so I told her a pig, she said no, I don't know today he had eaten a pig.I started to think again, there are so many species of edible animals, I should think about how to classify them, farm, fishing, I will try fish and thus cover a large area.So I told her that fish, she told me it was true, she ate 6 large fish, but that she wanted tuna, although at the mall they told her there was none because people bought it in cans, she really wanted to eat a whole tuna for her alone, in short, there were already 2 out of 3.

I started to think again, I told her that chicken, she started laughing, that was her breakfast and she was sure that they had already been completely digested before lunch, I tried other animals but I was not right, after a long time she told me that she simply ate in 3 different food stalls until she finished with what they had and how sorry she was to make me think so much about guessing, she just wanted an excuse to talk to me.She amused me that conversation, she told me that from time to time we would play the riddles again, so I would learn to distinguish that she has inside her stomach by the sounds she made of her.Then we talked about how she had gone today, she wished me luck in presenting my work tomorrow that she knew she would do well.

After a while I prepared my dinner, and it crossed my mind to give a kind gesture to Alice, so I called a pizzeria and ordered a dozen familiar pizzas towards her direction indicating that it was my part, I paid with my card and I started studying again.

After an hour she gave me a photo with the pizza boxes open, thanked me and told me that she would transfer the purchase money to me, she understands that it was my gesture, but she did not want others to pay for her food, but the time of the fair was an exception because she wanted to see if I was willing to be with her.I told her that it was a pleasure to send her food for delivery, but she told me that she could eat as lunch what I ate in a week, so I would not have to try too much, in the end she gave in telling me that this time she was going to let it pass , but the other times she had to let me know about the idea so that she could make the call, and her stomach could take over delivery orders at any time. In the end she sent me an audio telling me that this is how the pizza sounds in her stomach, and she wished me good night.It was late and I too had to sleep for the presentation. 

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