Alice's pregnancy curse dream?

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Alice was playing with her children while watching television, at which time a news came out.

Alert! a sudden case of pregnancies has occurred! From 2-month-old fetuses to almost 9-month-old babies ready to be born are appearing in the wombs of women of different ages, even multiple pregnancies of up to 4 babies have occurred! women are recommended not to leave their homes to avoid further overloading of hospital services.

Alice freezes when she sees the news

"Mommy?" John asks

"John, Iris... Natasha... go play with Talia please" Alice said standing up and taking her bag to leave

"But what are you going to do mommy?" John asked

"John, do you remember that you wanted a little brother but I told you I couldn't?"

"Ummm yeah..."

"Okay, now mommy is going to see if she can get you a little brother" Alice said as she went through her papers.

"Yay! I'll have a little brother!"

"Talia! Take care of my children while I'm gone!"

"Okay Mrs. Alice!"

After Alice leaves her house Talia asks her children

"What happened?"

"Mommy says she's going to get me a little brother"

"Uhh but how?"

"Look" says John pointing to the TV where they are again broadcasting the announcement to the city

"Good luck Mrs. Alice" said Talia knowing the fact of Alice is sterille


Alice goes in her truck en route to the hospital and can get "infected" with the birth phenomenon that had fallen in the city.

Alice, upon arriving at the hospital, walked the corridors seeing women with big bellies on stretchers, some already giving birth, so many births caused her a feeling of envy, although she had given birth to many babies, only one of them came from her own ovums and perhaps this phenomenon would change everything.

"Come on! Why doesn't my womb grow?" was what Alice thought while touring the hospital, but apparently the cause of the sudden pregnancies had already disappeared, only the consequences remained and no matter how hard Alice tried, she couldn't get pregnant

"Argh!! I've been searching for 3 hours and I haven't gotten pregnant!" thought Alice resignedly






It was Ariadna

"Hey hello Aridna, I'm busy"

"Alice! This is serious!"

"What happened?"

"All the couples who had booked your womb... were affected by the pregnancy phenomenon and... have canceled the service..."

"No... no... there must have been at least one left!"

"Alice...everyone was in town and...the women got pregnant..."

"I understand... I..."

"It really hurts me that I had to inform you of this"

"Thank you Ariadna... I... my dear son John was excited...poor of him... he only wants a little brother"

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