Alice, licenced to vore

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Alice was at the end of her 12th month of pregnancy, she was resting at home, for more than a week she had been producing exorbitant amounts of milk that were collected by her friends Ariadna and Rose to sell and thus not have them accumulated in many gallons in the house.

Weight: 750kg

Height: 2.78 meters



It was Alexei on the intercom.

"Hi Alexei, tell me"

"Mrs. Alice, some men in suits want to talk to you, they say they are from the government..."

"Oh... let them come into the living room" Alice said a little nervous.

Alice changed into a dress comfortable enough to entertain her visitors.

There was a woman in formal dress as a special agent surrounded by 10 men.

"Hello Mrs. Alice Hightower, call me Agent V"

"Ehhh hello agent... V"

"Lady Alice, we have come to recruit you for your special... talents..."

"Oh, do you want me to design clothes for you?"

"Eh no, we are very formal and simple people to dress up, we have come for your other...ahem...talent"

"Another... talent?"

"Yes Mrs. Alice...I mean...your stomach and...your womb"

"Uhhh what?"

Alice couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was frozen, she had been found out by the government.

"Don't be scared ma'am, we have been watching you for a long, long time, and we have seen that your great talent can be put to use by the country."

"Ehhhh I... I don't know what to say"

"Mrs. Alice, we saw how you saved 2 girls from those... thieves many weeks ago, you are strong and we have a mission that only you can carry out, working for us, you will have many benefits apart from having freedom from ahem... eat...we will erase the evidence completely"

"Ehhhh really? And what... is it about, the mission?"

"It's classified, so first I need your confirmation of your collaboration with us"

"Yes that's fine"

Alice had no choice but to accept, she had no choice, it was either that or her secret to be revealed to the world.

"Here you are Mrs. Alice, although we know that you are pregnant, this mission requires you to lose a lot of weight, the envelope will contain everything you need to achieve it, and more information of your mission"

Agent V handed Alice an envelope

"Here is the date on which you will begin your exercise regimen, the date on which we will see you in our headquarters and other dates on the topics that you need to know"

"Yeah..." said Alice who still hadn't been able to process what was happening

"See you Mrs. Alice, enjoy your pregnancy, remember, what you are doing is for the future of your babies and... we ask for your discretion about your missions, just as you have every time you... eat..."


Agent V left with her subordinates from Alice's house

"Oh no... they know what I can do but... now they are going to use me as my ancestor... sigh... I have no choice... I wonder about my mission..." Alice said as she opened an envelope

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