A long Business dinner

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It was already Monday, the day Alice was going to have a dinner with the last investor for her friend Ana's company, it would depend on said dinner if said investor would buy shares in Ana's company.

-"Jean, love, I'm going to have a business dinner with an investor, please don't wait up for me" Alice said to Jean while giving him a good morning kiss

-"Love, I only ask you not to lose control and..." Jean said but Alice interrupted him

-"I know love, if I eat the investor everyone will discover that i eat people and my life will be ruined, thanks for worrying love" Alice said mockingly as she went to eat her breakfast 12 boiled chickens and two huge jugs of fruit juice, she was worried about losing weight.

At the end of breakfast Alice put on her office clothes and said goodbye to Jean to go to work, already in the office after putting her suitcase on the desk, she knocked on the door by Rose

-"Miss Alice, Miss Ana Rassmussen asked me to give you these papers" said Rose

-"Thank you very much Miss Rose" Alice said

Rose retired to her desk, what Alice didn't know was that Rose had read the papers that were for Alice, among them the invitation to dinner that night with the investor, Rose still had suspicions about Alice's stomach capacity.

-"I don't know how I'm going to do it but I'm going to see how you behave at this dinner, I don't think that only 4 stuffed turkeys are your limit" Rose thought as she continued with her designs

At lunchtime, Rose spied on her own as Alice ate lunch, but the result was the same as last week, only 4 stuffed turkeys.

Rose wasn't going to give up, her feminine intuition told her that Alice kept a great secret in her belly and she had to find out.

Alice at the end of her office hours went home to put on a gala dress that she had reserved for a special date with Jean, it was the only one she had available for dinner with the investor.

-"Shit, my breasts show off a lot and my butt stands out a lot, it's fine for a dinner with Jean but not with a stranger, he's going to misunderstand things" said Alice worried as she looked at herself in the mirror

Alice then put on some heels specially ordered to be made for her, they were reinforced with titanium to support her weight and the design was beautiful, her feet looked great in the shoes

-"It's a shame to have to wear this dress for the first time with a stranger" Alice said as she finished getting ready to go out.

But Alice felt the annoyance in her womb again, the trick of filling her womb with 180 liters of water with a hose was not going to be enough today, she needed a living person moving in there like a baby

-"Not again, why did this have to happen to me right now? Elena is organizing my marriage proposal and wedding, Selena only comes to have breakfast and sleep, not to mention Amber, she still hasn't decided to live in my home, I don't have anyone to put in my womb at least tonight" Alice said with a lot of frustration while her womb didn't stop making strange noises

Alice got to thinking and remembered that there was a fourth person who had been in her womb before, it was Penelope and Alice immediately started dialing her number on her smartphone.

-"Please Penelope, I hope you're available" Alice said as she waited for Penelope to answer the call

-"Hello Alice? How are you? They told me that you already have security and kitchen staff, I'm glad that the list I gave you has been useful to you" answered Penelope

-"Penelope, do you remember that day when I came to visit this house?" Alice asked

-"I will never forget that day, I would like it to happen again" said Penelope

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