Alice gives birth! Hi Iris, Natasha and John!!

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Alice was carrying Brunhild in her arms while Jean walked ahead of her.

Jean changed into his clothes so he wouldn't be seen looking crazy off the beach and carried Brunhild's bag, but Alice felt a sharp pain a few feet from reaching the truck.


Jean was completely soaked in a liquid, looked up and looked at something a small skin outside of his wife's vagina.

"It''s..." Jean still didn't process that his wife was also giving birth

"Jean!" Alice screamed in pain.

Alice gathered all her strength, forced her vagina to push her baby back into her womb, and continued walking with Brunhild in her arms to get her into the truck.

"Both are going to give birth!!" said Jean to Svend

"Get up quickly! I know where the hospital is!" said Svend as he opened the door of his truck.


Svend took his wife, Alice, and Jean to the hospital.

"Sir!! both women are going to give birth!!" Svend said

The doctors ran with their stretchers, being able to carry Brunhild, although in Alice's case, she was too heavy.

"Don't worry.. I ngh!!! I'll go on foot!" Alice said forcing herself.

"Please follow me" said the doctor

Alice leaned back in the delivery room and was going to push, but she remembered that she didn't have an adult in her womb, but babies... if she pushed carelessly, the babies would fly off and crash into the wall.

"Ma'am, push... carefully" said the doctor

"Oh!!!" Alice yelled pushing gently, even so, her first baby came out with a lot of force hitting the doctor in his solar plexus.

"Urggh! wow! how heavy! I need help!" said the doctor who was catching his breath

"Its... big as a one year baby... wow... is a big baby" said the doctor surprised

"Doctor! Don't be a crybaby! Tell me if it's a boy or a girl!"

"It's a boy!"

"Ohh it's my beloved John!" Alice said smiling

"Her vagina won't stop contracting! The labor is still going on!"

"I still have 2 babies in there! Get ready!"

"Allow me to give you your son" said the doctor handing the baby over to Alice.

"Ahh! my beloved John! I see you at last! Come, drink from your mother's breast" Alice said excitedly putting her son on her huge nipple which he began to drink with great force, he is very hungry

"You're a big eater John! Eat well now because you'll have to share with your sisters"

Two more doctors came to help their colleague

"Did you need help?"

"Yes, she's delivering big, heavy babies with a lot of force, I need you to hold me down to resist the impact"

"Don't be dramatic!! They're babies! Not cannonballs!" said Alice in an angry mood

The doctors put a pillow on their colleague's chest to receive the baby

"Lady! push soft!"


Another baby came out of Alice's womb with such speed that it shocked the doctors.

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