Elena's training

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Elena, who did not want to hear reasons, kicked Belladonna but was easily stopped by her.

"It can't be, I even frozen my leg so I could damage her more!!!" thought Elena surprised

"Is that all you have Elena?"

"It's true... my sister beat her lucky, I won't be able to pass through her defense!!!"

"I'll assume you accept my challenge? Why don't you try that technique right here? Without the wave thing?" Belladonna said with a mischievous smile.

Elena was silent

"I promise you won't be able to hurt me" Belladonna said mockingly.


Elena took a bucket and filled it with seawater.

"Ohhh fine, then yes you will!!" Belladonna said smiling

Elena threw the water from the bucket and kicked it with her foot, freezing it irregularly and kicking it.

"Icicle Cannon!!!!" Elena yelled after kicking the ice shard that dislodged some shards.

The attack was stopped by Belladonna with her bare hand.

"It takes a long time to freeze water, shouldn't you practice with drinking water? It's much easier to freeze than seawater" Belladonna said mockingly

Elena pouted, but had to admit that Belladonna was right, she filled the bucket with tap water and tried again attacking Belladonna.

"Icicle Cannon!!!"

Belladonna had to work a little harder to stop Elena's attack.

"Sigh... I don't notice the improvement much"

"Are you really going to help me or make fun of me?" Elena said angrily

"Let's see Elena, I harden my aura in less than a second!!! You have to be quick to use your aura to freeze things"

"And how do you do it so fast?"

"Well, I have a lot of aura... although in your case, I have an idea" Belladonna said while looking for a shop

"What are you thinking to do?" Elena said somewhat confused

Belladonna walked to a toy store where she bought two jumbo-sized water guns, loaded them with water, and began shooting at Elena, drenching her.

"But what are you doing Belladonna???"

"You must stop these shots of water by freezing them, here!!! hahahahaha" said Belladonna while she kept shooting water at Elena

"Ahh you are behaving like a little girl!!!!"

"Hehehehehe I don't see you freezing the water fast" said Belladonna in a mocking way

Elena kept trying to freeze the water that Belladonna was throwing at her but without success, she always ended up with a layer of ice on her body and that was not the idea.

"I think I have an idea" Belladonna said mockingly.

"What are you thinking to do?" Elena said

Belladonna fired her aura bullets cutting Elena's bikini straps leaving her completely naked.

"But what??!!!! How do you think of doing this!!" Elena yelled as she covered herself as best she could.

"Now freeze the water so your naked body won't show!!!" Belladonna yelled as she shot her with the water guns, but the ice that Elena produced was transparent and she had to break it because it didn't work to cover herself.

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