Iris' comeback

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Alice was facing Iris, her body was blocking the sunlight in the alley while her stomach wouldn't stop gurgling and the hand that was slightly noticeable on her lower belly was slowly fading away.

"Alice...what's that on the bottom of your belly?" As soon as Iris could say in terror

-"mmmm let's say I took care of a persistent person who was harassing my employees" Alice said in a low voice

-"Flee for your life!!!!!!" was heard from the lower part of Alice's belly as it marked a face that then completely vanished without a trace, not even his hand was noticeable as Alice's stomach rumbled louder

"Shit....her lower stomach is moving, I hear a sound like something is that person moving to her intestines??" Iris thought very scared as she watched Alice's lower belly move.

-"Iris?? Is something wrong?" Alice asked, she hadn't realized that Iris was watching how her belly was digesting.

-"Even if he was a stalker, that person didn't deserve to end up like this, Alice is absorbing he in her intestines... in front of my eyes... I don't want to be next!!!" thought Iris terrified thinking that she was going to go through the same thing in the following hours

-"Iris? ... are you watching my stomach digesting?" Alice asked who had already realized the cause of Iris's distraction.

-"Alice!!! You ruined my life!!!! what more do you want from me!!!" Iris yelled

-"Iris, I want to tell you that... I'm sorry" Alice said with an embarrassed voice

Iris was silent for a minute, she never thought Alice was going to say these words to her.

-"How are you sorry? You made me lose my job!!! They evicted me from my apartment, I sold everything I had, I had to spend the nights in a shelter!!!! I had to bathe with drunk and crazy women!!! I almost got sent to the psychiatric hospital for saying that you ate those poor people like you have done now with the unfortunate one in your stomach!!!" Iris yelled, but was then pinned into a wall by Alice's belly.

-"Shhhh, Iris please, stop yelling, I'm really sorry, the idea was from my friend Amber, I was thinking of eating you after you had given me a hard time, but I felt so bad that I didn't even want to do it, so Amber gave me this fantastic idea and I put it into action, I laughed a lot seeing you look crazy in front of everyone, but I never thought that your life would be ruined in this way, the meme had a much greater impact than I expected, seriously I'm so sorry Iris" Alice said in a embarrassed voice.

-"I am not going to accept your apologies, now you are the head of a fashion agency, and apparently you are on an unstoppable rise, I should have been the head of the fashion agency where I worked" said Iris totally angry

-"It's not just my apologies, I have a house near the beach, and I would like you to live there for a while until you have a stable job" Alice said, apparently she wanted to apologize with all her heart to Iris as she shook her hand towards Iris

-"No!!!!! You fucking bitch!! I don't want your charity! YOU caused this! I'm living in a shelter because of you! This outfit and two others are all I have left! I had to take a bath! at the shelter last night with drug addicts and sick people! You think you have the right to help me after you caused this mess! Fuck you! Why don't you eat me to finish what you did at the fashion show? You took my future away from me! !!!" Iris said as she slapped Alice's outstretched hand away.

-"Iris...." Alice said somewhat embarrassed, but her already cultivated maternal instinct was activated and she decided to take charge of the matter, she was going to give Iris a second chance, even if she didn't want to.

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