Alice and the pregnant moms

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Alice received an address from Ariadna of a gym that gave yoga classes to pregnant women, she put on sports clothes that were tight but not so tight as to make her babies uncomfortable, she entered the room and due to her great height and already some developed curves made a pregnant woman scream in fright.


"Ehhh hi... is this the place where they do prenatal yoga?" Alice asked

"Ehhh yes..." said a 7 month pregnant woman.

"I would like to join ..." Alice said smiling

"How many months have you been?"

"Uh 4..." Alice said blushing

"Wow!! 4? Go ahead!"

A pregnant woman plucked up her courage and approached Alice.

"Hello... my name is Daniela... and yours?"

"Alice! Alice Hightower..." Alice said blushing

"Wow! how did I not recognize you! it's that... you look very different!! much thinner..."

"Yes... my doctor told me to lose weight before starting my pregnancy..."

"Ehh I see..." Daniela said looking at Alice's belly that wasn't very big due to her height.

"And how many months have you been?" Asked alice

"I... 7 months... wow look! she already kicked me!"

"Ohh what a joy, mine kick my womb all the time!" said Alice rubbing her tummy

"I read on social media that you have 3 babies, right?"

"Hehehehe yes... 2 girls and a boy" Alice said smiling.

"Alice! the instructor has arrived!"

The instructor entered the room and began to explain the positions they had to do. Alice suffered a lot when doing them due to her weight and lack of elasticity.

"Ahhh! it hurts!" yelled Alice

"Alice!! calm down! don't try too hard!" Daniela said

"Uffff it's much more difficult than I thought!!"

"let me help you... uffff but what muscles do you have in those legs!" said the shoeck instructor as she tried to help Alice and felt her thick muscles

"Muscles??" said a pregnant woman.

"Don't be distracted!" said the instructor who was trying hard to help Alice

"Alice... I see why you're like this... lifting so many weights has ruined your elasticity... you should eat more jello... and do stretching exercises... if you don't mind... how many kg did you lift? "

"Ehhhh 400 kg" Alice said confused shocking all the pregnant mothers

"400kg??? you are an Olympic competitor!"

"No!! She's a fashion designer!!" Daniela said

"You are very strong and tall!"

Alice blushed

" the way...what made you come here?" asked Daniela

"Uhhh my boss says I have a temper problem and assumes my pregnancy causes it..."

"How can you say it?! We are a bomb of hormones and emotions!"

"Buahh! how cruel is she!"

"How do you stand it?!"

"I'm sure she's a spinster!!"

"Ehhhh, it's just that she's worried that this will affect the team and my clothing designs... it's just..." Alice said but was interrupted.

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