Feeding Alice is expensive

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Finally Jean arrived home with Alice unaware that Julius was stationed near his house and had called his partner Carlos who was also on Amber's espionage case.

-"So Jean Carter and Alice Hightower live here" said Carlos

-"Apparently they live in front of the park, according to what I've heard some people disappeared in that park, even yesterday they had to take a truck that was going on an artist tour because it was abandoned" commented Julius, apparently he was fine informed of the place

-"Let me search the in the laptop for the cases that exist in this place .... hell!!! there are considerable disappearances, some of these were attributed to an animal, but there is also no trace of that animal after a couple of attacks" Carlos commented that he was surprised by the number of disappearances in the park, several of which were due to Alice

-"We have our service weapons and a shotgun in the garage, don't worry, how long are we going to keep an eye on Alice Hightower?" Julius asked

-"Depends on you, it was your idea" commented Carlos who was a bit nervous about the place, even though he was a well-trained agent he couldn't help but worry

-"We will monitor her until she testifies at Ofelia Rivas's trial, then we will monitor her every two days" commented Julius, he already had a hunch

Meanwhile at Alice's house

-"Well honey, we finally got home, we have to talk about rationalizing the food" Jean said with a very nervous voice, he had never dared to tell Alice how much to eat, but the current situation forced him to do so

-"I know love, why don't you check our savings and distribute my food expenses for the rest of the month? I'm going to run in the park, I have to lose weight so I don't feel so hungry the next few days" Alice said with a soft voice, she was aware of the enormous amount of food she consumed each day and was willing to make sacrifices for the rest of the month

-"Okay honey, I'm going to review the expenses while you go for a run" Jean said with relief seeing Alice sympathetic to the subject

Alice went to run to the park doing several laps, but a group of girls who were also running began to annoy her, Alice was very upset, apparently the news about the disappearance of the runners at the beginning of the year did not discourage people from go for a run in the park, the girls instead of being alert in case something strange happened they are mocking her

-"Come on Alice, stay calm, remember that agent Julius is possibly investigating you" Alice thought as she tried to stay calm and avoid starting a situation to be able to eat the girls like she did with the beginning of the year

-"What's wrong hippopotamus? Are you tired?" asked a girl with an athletic body and black clothes in a very mocking tone

-"She can hardly run with her body hahahaha" said another of the girls in the midst of laughter, she wore blue clothes

-"You'll see" thought Alice who had no intention of eating them, but to reach them to show them that she was in better physical condition than them

-"Hey girls, aren't you noticing that she's reaching us?" commented another girl who had red sportswear

-"Let's just pick up the pace, it's impossible for it to reach us!!!" said the girl in black clothes who was already getting worried, really Alice was reaching them

-"Girls step aside or my body is going to knock you down!!!" Alice yelled with a smile

-"You must weigh at least 300 kg, you can never reach us!!!" shouted the girl in blue clothes

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