Part 1:

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       (Y/N's POV)

    Now I was here. After calling the strange number on the card that a weird salesman gave me, I was assigned a location to go to in a little more than a week. It was a street nearby, and I wondered if the creepy person on the other line knew it was within walking distance to me. It wasn't an impossible scenario, but it surely was an uncomfortable one. Strangely, a van filled with seemingly unconscious people had picked me up, and before I could do anything, gas spilled from the top of the car and into my lungs. After I breathed it in, I passed out.

    After my kidnapping, I was taken to this weird place that I'm in now. I had a teal tracksuit with the small number "055" on the front over my chest. Other people looked like they had a seemingly sewn on patch on their back as well, so I assumed that it was the same for me. I looked up and saw that there were 456 players. The number was displayed on a digital board. We were told we were going to a game right now, and everyone seemed like they had played the game like I played and came here for the money because nobody questioned anything. They all knew it was legit. I, of course, was excited. Who doesn't want money? If you said yourself... that's just weird. Everyone likes money. Especially if it isn't hard-earned.

    The eerie guards in hot pink outfits and black masks escorted the many players to a very big room. It had the purpose of making us feel as though we were outside, but I could tell we were contained. It may have had an open ceiling, but it was surrounded by walls painted to look like a beautiful sky blue with puffy clouds. An enormous doll stood at the opposite end of the room, accompanied by two guards on its left and right. They looked like mice compared to a cat. Its presence loomed over us. It had big eyes and black hair, and it also looked like a child because of the orange and yellow dress that looked like that of a little girl's and had a small, chubby face with a content look on it to match her young appearance.

    I was standing next to a man with the number "199" written on his jacket. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He seemed like a nice enough person, so it made me hope I would at least find some friends in this place. I don't really wanna go through it alone. Maybe we would decide be friends, considering we were the only people of a minority group as far as my eyes could see.

    "The game we will be playing is Red Light, Green Light," a robotic female voice announced. It continued to explain instructions and two people in front of us were bickering about who would get there first. They childishly started placing their own bets, and I rolled my eyes at their antics. I'm too old for this.

    The doll's childish high-pitched voice shouted "Green Light!" and turned only part of her body around robotically to face a tree behind her. Some people walked but most ran or jogged towards the finish line. It was understandable given the fact that we had a time limit. I chose to walk, so as to not risk being off balance if I need to abruptly stop. The doll then shouted "Red Light!" And quickly turned around. Someone in the very front stumbled while everyone else remained completely still. It was one of the idiotic guys that were saying they'd get there first. Guess they weren't winning the bet. The announcer's voice from earlier rang out and said that the player was eliminated.

    After the guy who he was competing against for first place made a remark about the guy's stupidity, similar to what I was thinking, a loud noise was heard. The guy fell on the ground as he could no longer support his body weight, and the other one whispered for him to get up because it was certainly melodramatic of him to fake die. However, everyone started to understand how real this was when he coughed up a mouthful of blood. This made the other guy start to slowly walk back, and then panic and run. The gun then shot at him too.

    His blood splattered on a poor girl behind him. She wiped the blood off her face, looked at it, and let out a scream before she got shot as well. People started panicking after she too joined the people laying dead on the ground. They ran, and a few people stayed put. A mass shooting spree began and many people lost their lives. I was one of the people who froze themselves in place. The Indian guy next to me had been moved to the back, and I feared turning around, so I stayed in place.

    The gunshots finally ended.

    "I will now repeat the instructions," the lady began. I didn't listen. All of the dead bodies in front of me were causing too much... I don't even know. Sorrow? Trauma? Regret? The chaos that had ensued was unacceptable. Were people really dying because they lost a children's game?

    "Green light!"

    Nobody moved. Nobody except someone whose footsteps I heard. The person shuffled forwards while chuckling lowly. They're crazy. Completely, utterly crazy. Who would laugh when people were dying? The doll shouted "Red Light" and the person froze. They were now in my field of vision. It was an old man who was hunched over slightly and holding his arms out to strategically balance himself.

   The game continued on. Every time, without fail, someone slipped up and got shot. I had made it to the end as one of the first people, and there were less than thirty seconds on the clock. Many people were still out there, and I crossed my fingers that they would safely make their way across. I saw the guy I encountered before and hoped that he would make it out alive. He was next to this ragged-looking man who was a bit shorter than him. He had a small black beard-looking thing on his chin. He also looked sickly thin, so I hoped he would at least win money too to start feeding himself properly. Even his sharp, hollowed-out cheeks made it appear he didn't have enough food for himself.

   I cringed as I saw the man stumble, but the Indian guy held him up. They both made it. I congratulated them, but then grew silent. I looked at the terrified faces of everyone that didn't make it before the timer. They were immediately shot. The numbers were announced.

   I then felt a hand on my back. 199. I smiled in thanks and rested my head on his shoulder a bit. Did all of this really just happen?

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