Part 73:

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      A/N: This book has not been abandoned! I'm fighting for you guys I swear I just have no willpower. I'm going to get this done, and that's a promise I made to every one of my readers when I started this book years ago. I intend to keep it.

      (Y/N's POV)

     It was tragic to see just how dramatic the ending for those two was. I mean, they seemed close, but then again, every time you get close to someone in here, they end up dying. I'm beginning to wonder why people even bother then, knowing that this is a game of death that will only ever have one winner, but I guess it's just something deep inside ourselves. A flaw solely human within each one of us that makes us reach out for a connection with somebody else no matter how hard we try to not indulge into it.

Realizing that, I looked over at In-Ho. That stupid girl was on him like that robe was supposed to be on her, but she had (clearly intentionally) very loosely tied it. I could see her cleavage, disgustingly, as I would much rather not. It wasn't like that early, so clearly she made it something that she only wanted In-Ho to see but my poor eyes happened to gaze upon.

         I was jealous. He knew it, or at least he thought he might. I was jealous because I longed for something like that with In-Ho. We're in the same boat and somehow, he acts like he feels the same way for me that I've felt about him deep down. I mean... he tortured and murdered somebody who hurt me. That must mean he cares at least a little, right?

         I feel like there's no use in pushing my emotions down anymore. If I do, they're just going to sit there and fester until I can't deny it anymore, and I don't want to lie to myself anymore when I can't help but know the truth. I've always heard that to get over people you like, you need to tell them. Maybe that's what I'll do. I have the guts to do it. I have faith, but I need to do it before he starts liking Jessica Rabbit over there.

       I watched as the two winners of this game were led out by the workers. Wow. Their chances went from about .2% to 50% of winning millions of dollars within a few days.

         As the room ahead of us went dark, I turned around to the VIPs.

        "So, that was the end of the fifth game. Tomorrow in the last game, and we have something great in store for all of you to watch. It'll certainly be what we hope is an immersive experience."

        Panther Mask shifted and sighed.

        "Let's hope so. I want my money's worth, and especially since the bets were so much higher this round."

       I smiled and thanked them for being with us before they all just reclined in their seats instead of focusing on watching. I guess they wanted to socialize for a while before they went back into their rooms for some privacy.

       I looked out the corner of my eye to see In-Ho still in his same predicament before I made my way to the exit. I didn't hear him following me, so I didn't bother to look back, especially if he was watching me walk away. I only turned around when I stood in the elevator, facing the empty hallway. When I reached for the button, I saw a black-cloaked figure round the corner.

         Unfortunately, I also saw Jessica Rabbit round the corner. She pulled him back to face her, and I just watched as she put her hands on his chest, trying to avert my eyes though my curiosity was getting the best of me. When I looked up, I saw something terrible.

       She had undone his mask quickly and kissed him as soon as it was removed from his face. I startled and couldn't help but tear up as I shakily reached for the button. I cringed as both of them looked towards my direction as the elevator doors audibly slid closed.

       As I ascended, I just looked down at the moving floor and let a few tears drip from my eyes. There goes my plans. He probably wants to pursue her, why wouldn't he? She was pretty. She was involved in the organization he worked at, and we'd benefit from the large sums of money she'd no doubt give us when she eventually got together with him. I was a fool. Was I too late?

      As I walked the rest of way to my room, I just sighed. I shouldn't be crying over this like a stupid child. Why should I be? I'd save my tears on something more worthwhile. It'll take some time to get over, but I know that eventually I'd just get over it.

       When I entered the living room, I decided against going straight to my room. In-Ho probably wouldn't be back for a while due to the new object he has to entertain him, so I figured I'd just relax.

       I grabbed a crystal glass and poured some of his whiskey in. Yes, it was nasty, but yes, it was also strong, so I'll just drink some. It had a terrible bite to it when it hit my tongue, and I had to slap my hand over my mouth to prevent me from not spitting any out. I don't know why I expected it to taste better than the first time I tried it. It was still gross. Thankfully, I could feel something stirring in my head already.

       Within two minutes, I had downed about the neck of the bottle, which only had about 2 glasses taken out of it. It was nauseating, but it was working. When my eyelids were already getting heavy, I heard a door open and close. I groaned audibly, which I wouldn't have under any normal circumstances, but I couldn't control it. I looked ahead to the television not showing player quarters anymore and felt a dip of weight on the couch next to me.

       "I don't want to socialize," I bluntly stated.

       I could feel his eyes on me as I took another sip out of my glass. All he did was take the bottle from me and take a swig straight from it. I wanted to glare at him because surely he did that on purpose so I wouldn't drink anymore, but I didn't want to look at him. I feared that If I did, it would sober me up and just leave the harsh realities there in place of the buzz of alcohol.

        "You don't get to make that decision."

        I rolled my eyes.

         "Haven't you had enough female companionship this evening?" I said leaning back but still not looking at him. There was a short silence.

         "I didn't want to kiss her, you know."

         I was silent for a little bit too. Maybe I did know that. He wasn't the one to initiate any kind of relationship or actions with her, and she basically forced him into the kiss. I just took another sip of the liquor.

       "You know, I'd... I'd much rather kiss you, you know," He said coolly. Nonchalantly, as if he had just informed me that it was lightly raining outside.

         My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed. Okay, I hadn't thought of this scenario. I didn't know what to say. How could I? That was so sudden, and I can't even begin to really fathom.

         I decided now would be the time to look at him if I was ever going to. I turned my head slowly in his direction and saw his gaze on me. It was soft and sincere. I probably did sober up right there, just looking at his face. He reached over slowly and plucked the glass from my hand, setting it down on the table instead. He then moved closer to me, putting the hand he just used over the hand of mine that he just freed. I blushed and looked down at our hands for a second before looking up. He was staring deep into my eyes.

      "She's not exactly my taste, and if she would have been any slower, I would have stopped her."

      I still looked straight into his eyes with some courage I didn't know I possessed. He did as well. His eyes were so pretty. Cool dark brown and perfectly complimenting his other colors. I wondered if he was thinking the same about my eyes right now, and it made my heart rate go faster.

       I swallowed nervously and flicked my eyes down before up before I let my hand rest more in his.

      "Would you... stop me if I did it?"

       He just gave me more of his impenetrable gaze for a while. I held it. He let the tiniest crack of a smile show, making the corner of my lips curve upward slightly as well. And then... he leaned in...

      And he kissed me.

     Original Publish Date: March 18, 2024

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