Part 35:

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(A/N: Another long chapter for a no post apology! I will also not have a definite post on the weekends anymore -most likely- because it's summer and practically every day is a weekend, but, here's the good news, expect more posts! I hope.)

I had gathered all the pens off of the floor and put them back where I found them. The worker was patient with me and didn't seem to mind that we were stopping about every 5 seconds so I could pick up one of the objects I had left behind, or, at least, didn't show his annoyance. He seemed like a respectful person.

That had happened earlier, and right now, we were already close to where In-Ho and the architect are. It turned out to be some kind of place where they could meet with the team to explain the plan and go over things while the planners (me and In-Ho) could still be there. They were prepping for them right now, and the team would've supposedly been there after they both would get me if I hadn't finished already. The optimal deadline for getting stuff done on our end was surprisingly shorter than what was expected, so we needed to get it together fast.

The room was similar to the room we had been in earlier, I walked in to see In-Ho doing that little pose when men are discussing things. Basically, they have one arm down (as if they're folding their arms) but the other arm is up and resting on it while they have it near their face and kinda bend their hand. REGARDLESS. I got kind of speechless when I saw that. I don't know why, but when he looked at me doing that pose and stared at me, I just got a lump in my throat, and all I did was stare back. It was weird. Why am I acting like this?

"Ah! Our beautiful hostess." The architect walked over to me from his side of the table. "Do tell what you came up with."

I handed him the paper and said, "Well, all names except the last one were things that I was remembering from my own childhood. None of them seemed like they would fit... the situation... but I just left them there for encouragement purposes. Anyways, while I was reminiscing, I remembered two games that were very prominent, hence why the name at the bottom is a combination."

     I explained my idea to him about how I would make this game as good as, or hopefully better than, Squid Game was. His eyes lit up as I planted my vision is his own head, and he was very excited.

     "This is great! I love how you're using the old games as a guideline for what you're doing but also making this season your own. Very nice." He turned to In-Ho. "What about you, In-Ho? What do you think about all of these lovely ideas?"

    The architect walked over to the table and got my list from earlier. I saw him add some words to the list which I assumed was the name of my most recent idea.

    "It has potential," came the short response.

     I rolled my eyes at him. Of course he wouldn't say more than three words about the future of the organization. Il-Nam had already given me a lecture, not a mean one, on how important it was that we made games that the VIP's were going to be engaged and interested in. I, of course, understood. Il-Nam had money, but we still needed the source of income from them. Hell, one of their bets is already about a million dollars. A million! If about 40 VIP's made a bet like that and lost, that would already cover the prize money.

"Just potential? Or do you think the VIPs will like it?" I queried.

He looked at me for a second before sighing and resting his left arm so both of his arms crossed his chest.

"I think the VIPs will find them interesting," was the response.

I hummed in approval and we heard two quick knocks on the door. The architect raised his voice to tell them to enter, and a second later, the door was open and about 6 men of all different physical appearance (yet all muscular) came in. They automatically spotted the architect and walked towards him.

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