Part 9:

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(⚠️TW! Y/N has a mental breakdown)

    I saw that only one person in my group was already there. For one, that priest guy was already there. I sat down several feet from him. I stared blankly for a moment.

    I then saw Sang-Woo enter, not looking too shaken. I automatically knew who he paired with. I didn't know for sure, but my intuition told me exactly what I didn't want to hear.

   "No! Ali..." I cried.

    My tears streamed hard down my face, and I was so overwhelmed with the feelings of sorrow that engulfed my being. I didn't even get to say goodbye... why must this world be so cruel? What about his wife and child?

   Not too long later, Sae-Byeok entered looking worn out and sad. I was very happy she was still alive. I believe she paired with 240. I didn't know her, and most times she seemed to be off in her own world. I still mourned her as well though, because no matter how much somebody seems a bit unusual, they're still human and their lives are worth just as much as anybody else's.

    When it seemed like nobody else would be coming back, Gi-Hun entered, which made me sob even more. I like Gi-Hun, but I knew that since the old man wasn't here, he paired with Gi-Hun. The old man was dead. I cried and I cried and I cried.

    I was so caught up in my sobs that I didn't notice Gi-Hun coming straight for me. He was also crying. His eyes were puffy, and his face held streaks caused by tears. He put his hand on my back.

    "Y/N..." he choked out with his voice breaking. "He wanted me to give this to you."

    He held out a jacket. It said Player 001.

    That just set me off more. I grabbed it and buried my head in it while I grieved. I gave Gi-Hun a hug from the side because I knew he also needed it.

    "Y/N... you know, y-you made his last days the best possible. H-he loved these games, and you treated him with so much k-kindness during them. You made this whole experience... worthwhile for him. He told me he knew you'd win. He said to thank you, and to give you something else."

    Gi-Hun then wrapped me in a tight hug. I put my face on his shoulder and hugged him back.


   (Frontman's POV)

    Since the host had returned from the Games, we were going to talk later and drink together in my living room as a sort of celebration for a job well done. I felt so bad though. I couldn't celebrate his return. Y/N was crushed. All of the people closest to her in there were dead... at least in her eyes. Yes, one of them was in fact dead, but the other, she wouldn't see again.


    Sometime later, I heard a familiar knock on the door. The host and I had been working together for several years now, and I knew him well. Sometimes you just remember the little details about a person without realizing it.

    I walked to the door without my mask for the first time in a while. I saw the host there, dressed in a proper suit after the time he spent in his tracksuit. I don't know what he seemed like to me, but he certainly seemed like more than a boss.

    I welcomed him in and headed for the drinks. I grabbed two glasses and filled them both up with his favorite wine.

   I joined him on my couch and handed him his glass.

    "How was your time in the games, sir?"

     "It was amazing. There were two people who made it especially great. Player 456 and player 055. If you watched me and 456 play the last game, you'd know that he, sadly, 'tricked' me out of my marbles. It was disheartening to see him fall for what I was doing and betray me that way, but I do not blame him. He is good at heart, but he makes mistakes like we all do. As for 055... she was so kind to me. She feels like my daughter. I'd be very sad to see her go."

    I smiled. Y/N.

    I immediately stop. I don't even like her. Ew. Girls... Who am I kidding? That's so immature.

    We both stared at the screens in front of us. It showed the main room. My eyes naturally drifted to Y/N. I felt a pang in my heart when I saw that she was crying. Full-on crying. I know my face showed it, but honestly, at this point, I didn't care.

   (Il-Nam's POV)

    It was fantastic playing those games. It brought me back to my childhood, which is something I never thought would be possible. I understand that I'm dying slowly, and most people would think knowing something like that would make me miserable, but I'm really enjoying my last year of life. Knowing how much time I have left just makes me allow myself to appreciate it even more.

    I've seen the way In-Ho looks at her. Even right now. He likes her. He's interested at the least. I don't think I could've ever been happier with his choice, for if In-Ho had to choose any woman to fall in love with, Y/N would be the best pick in my eyes. She was one of the kindest people I've ever known in a world with that characteristic running in short supply. She treated me with respect and helped me when I wasn't doing very well. I think she'd also like In-Ho even though I'll admit he is not the nicest at times.

    There was one major topic I'd like to discuss with In-Ho today.

    I'm taking Y/N out of the games.

   (Front Man's POV)

    We sat in pretty much silence, just sipping wine and watching players. Well, he may be watching players. I was only watching one. My heart seemed to stop aching so much when I realized that Y/N had stopped crying and fell asleep. She looked so... beautiful. Her peaceful face allowed her to look like she was very content with her situation and feeling better about the events that transpired earlier in the day.

    "In-Ho. There's something else that I want to discuss with you. Something very important that will change the way things are run around here."

    I turned to him and gave him my attention, though Y/N still crossed my mind.

    "Yes, sir?"

    "I've been thinking about something. You already know of my condition. You know I may very well not last the year."

    "...Of course, sir."

   "I've been thinking of what's going to happen to the   Facility." He looked more serious. "I believe that you know the first part of what I am going to say. You have the drive and passion for the games. You've led the staff and games well. I want you continue being a great leader."

    "Of course, sir. I will do what it takes for the games to continue thriving. Now, may I ask what the second part is?"

   "As capable as you are, I think you'll need some help. Therefore..."

   I was on edge right now. What was he going to say?

   "I'm taking Player 055 out of the games. She will be the new Host."

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