Part 72:

197 6 2

      (Y/N's POV)

       I almost felt like I was becoming too deep into this. Everything was becoming too real. Everything felt like it should belong in song twisted TV show, not real life. Hell, did death games exist anywhere else in the world? Why would the only ones take place in South Korea of all places? There were poorer countries in the world.

       Looking through the window right in front of me, I saw the players rubbing their hands on their pants quickly, some already exhausted from climbing the rope ladder and trying desperately to climb across the expanse over the water. We had spaced out each bar farther than what was usual to make it slightly harder, and 35 monkey bars is something even I can't do. I probably would fall after just one on a regular playground, much less being 20 feet in the air with the looming threat of being piranha food if I fell.

I saw some exchange worried glances before they heard the automatic voice speak up to mark the end of their short break.

"Players, the real game will now commence. Start by hanging on to the bar above you by the end of the 5 second timer that will follow. Failure to do so will result in elimination. You will have 3 minutes to get across to the other side. Good luck."

Players all got into various athletic stances, willing their body to keep pumping enough adrenaline for them to be able to hang on and make it across. 361, 362, and 363, the main intimidators, all seemed relatively calm and collected. Sinister, more like. They wiggled their bottoms and rubbed their hands together while grinning mischievously, most likely noticing the lack of any rules besides "get across." On the other side of each 12 monkey bar sets, there was a metal pole with several handles to aid in getting down. Truth be told, I didn't even research whether or not doing 35 monkey bars was possible for the average person. I mean, it seemed like enough to be a challenge, but not enough so everyone died. Maybe I was wrong. Oh god, that'd be embarrassing. And with the VIPs here to witness it? I'd be executed, I bet.

I held my breath as the robotic voice counted down.






It seems like everyone waited until the very last fraction of a second to jump up to reach the bars, and the platform promptly fell quickly from underneath them. It was a most gruesome sight seeing only 11 make the jump. I gasped as one woman, who was rather short, failed to grip the bar enough, only brushing it with her fingertips. She let out a scream of horror as her height sealed her fate and let her fall. Since the platform wasn't already fully lowered into the water, she fell, and about 10 feet down, slammed her head into the retracting metal. This caused her to fling sideways, throwing her into the pool either unconscious or dead. Blood slowly seeped into the pool until the fish swam quickly towards her, starting their feast and making the cloud of blood appear more rapidly, hiding the sight.

      The lady beside the woman who just fell had made it, and as soon as she reached for the next bar, looked down at the scene beneath her. She whimpered as she screwed her eyes shut and pulled her hand back onto the one she was currently on. It took a second before she moved to the next. Everybody else had already started theirs.

       The 360 boys had it the easiest, I presume. They swung quickly, getting already about 10 feet in the span of 20 seconds. Everybody else took theirs slowly, at a steady, consistent pace, each smart enough to use momentum to their advantage. It wasn't a surprise when one of the men, 249, miscalculated the distance and slipped. He fell face-first immediately, screaming as he fell down. He met the water with a huge splash, and never resurfacing.

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