Part 24:

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It was very a very solemn walk back for the trip of winners. Nobody said a word. Only a two soldiers escorted them back because of the dwindling amount of people. There was a trail of blood marking their path.

"I quite enjoyed that game!" Lion mask complimented.

"And I enjoyed other affairs," Panther mask smugly stated. Disgusting.

Everybody else laughed and mumbled words of their approval while getting ready to go to bed.

"The new Host and I are quite glad that you like the games. I bid you all a goodnight. We will send workers in the morning to let you know when the next game will be in session," Front-Man said.

I smiled in agreement and nodded slightly to everybody who took the time to look at us while speaking. Very few did.

After the room cleared out, Frontman dismissed the workers in the room. They cleared it out and left just us.

(Language is back to Korean now)

"I must know," I started. "Do you have a full bottle of alcohol in our living room? Or, whatever you call it."

He looked towards me and sighed. That's literally all this man does.


He started quickly walking towards the exit, so I followed. This guy really would not care if I was left behind or not. I knew that, and I'm sure he did too. I would be lost in this labyrinth of a workplace and have to wait until some worker just happens to run into me.

"Can I visit Il-nam before we go to the rooms? I need to ask him something."

He looked at me and stopped walking, so I did too. Why was he acting so weird?

"Why?" He questioned.

"I just said I need to ask him something."

"What about?"

"Jeez, you're so nosy! I just need some advice."

"And why can't I help you with that?"

I paused and thought about it for a minute. Technically, he could help me, but I needed Il-Nam. The Frontman wouldn't actually care about my concerns because he wouldn't get anything out of it.

"Well... because we have-well, had, the same position."

There was an awkward silence. Then, you guess it, he sighed.

"Very well."

He resumed his extremely fast pace, pause on that, and didn't so much as give me a second glance. I huffed and basically jogged to catch up. He got to the elevator and turned to wait for me. I wasn't that star behind anymore, so I slid through the doors quickly and stood next to him.

I looked towards the buttons for the floor levels. All of them were written in some fancy font. I remember Il-Nam telling me that we were on the 3rd floor, so I reached out to press it.

My hand collided with something, so I looked to my left. It was the Frontman's hand. I locked eyes with him, well, I looked at his eye holes, under the golden glow and our hands kind of just remained there. If anything... it seems like his hand got closer to mine.

I suddenly turned my head to the side, breaking eye contact. I leaned forward to finish what I started and press the button. When I glanced back at the man next to me, he already was standing with his hands glued to his sides and body facing completely forward. I looked towards the ground and intertwined my hands. What just happened?

The ding of the elevator brought me out of my thoughts, and the doors opened for us. I looked at him, wondering which one of us was gonna go first, and I saw him make a hand gesture that signaled me to go first. I blushed and looked down, then I promptly left, waiting for him to follow because I still had no idea where to go. He passed me and took the lead.

My eyes explored every inch of the colorful corridors as I subconsciously walked wherever he did. I wasn't looking at him, but I could see him out of my peripheral vision (if you don't know what that is, then... Yk how you can see something out of the corner of your eye? That's your peripheral vision. It's basically seeing outskirts of your sight line). I nervously put my hands behind my back and let them rest on the lowest part of the arch of my back.

I felt a sudden feeling of unexplainable awkwardness caused by where my hands were placed, so I brushed a strand of hair to behind my ear (I'm so sorry if you're a bald person reading this) and looked at the man in front of me.

I looked first at the top of his head, on which the cloth had uneven spots on it; either from it not being smoothed down enough or his hair sticking up in some places. The latter seemed unlikely because of how slicked down his hair was every time I saw him without the mask. My eyes moved down to his shoulders, which were broad and strong looking. I had some very bad thoughts about that, which made me shy, so I pushed them away and continued looking. He had the normal body shape for a man: a narrower waist than his hips or chest with the last being wider. The outfit hung perfectly on him, leading me to believe that it must have been tailor made. I silently giggled at the thought of him standing with his arms stuck out for a long period of time while a person busily fussed with a measuring tape around his body.

I was smiling now. I didn't know when I started, but I was smiling. Smiling at the thought of the man in front of me, who I worked with, and surprisingly, who saved my life many times. Actually, I didn't know if I would have died in any of the situations, but it was a good thought. He protected me... nobody else but me.

My mood turned from mostly giddy and flustered to philosophical. You had to at least have some kind of affection for someone to send them out of harm's way, correct? I'm sure I've thought about this at least once before, but now I really wanted to know. I stared at the back of his head, wondering what was going on inside of it when he made those calls. In fact, what was going inside of it now.

He abruptly stopped, which spooked me enough to stop along with him, and then he turned around. I had been staring at him quite a lot, and I was scared he would know that I had been. I adverted my eyes to anything but him. I flicked them to the door we stopped at, the wall to the left of me, anything and everything.

"We're here."

I finally looked at him, and he was looking down at me. He was taller than me. I'm sure the boots gave him an extra 3-4 inches or so, and I'd bet right now he was over 6 feet. It intimidated me, to say the least. There's just something about a tall man that could do anything to you- Oh my lord. What's wrong with me?

"Ms. Y/N."

I looked at him.

"Are you unwell?" He said monotonously.

I had no words. I was speechless and puzzled. All I did was move to knock on the door.

Not much later, Il-Nam came to the door. He only opened it a bit at first to see who it was, but when he saw us two, he swung the door wide and smiled.

"Ah. What brings you both here?"

"I needed to ask your advice." I smiled. "On the games."

He nodded.

"Very well. Come in."

He moved to the side the door was on, and I entered, looking at the room that I had first seen only hours earlier.

"I will wait out here, sir," I heard the Frontman say.

I heard the door close, and I saw Il-Nam walk near me and stand in front of me.

"What would you like to discuss, Ms. Y/N?"

(Note: Hello everyone! I've made a very small change to this book. Really, it's minimal. I changed part of the title from "frontman x reader" to "Front Man x reader". I'm sure it won't be a burden to find this book just because of that small detail! Just letting y'all know. I'm sure at least one of you guys would be wondering if you were going crazy. Have a great day guys and thanks for reading!)

     Original Publish Date: February 25, 2023


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