Part 3:

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    "The time limit is 10 minutes. You will pass if you trim out the shape without breaking or cracking within the time limit. With that, let the game begin!"

    I worked on the sides of the triangle. I was extremely happy I picked this easy shape, but I was terrified for my friends. What if they broke the shape?

     After however long, even though it felt like forever, I got the shape out. I had used a mixture of scraping, nibbling, and breaking. I didn't know a good strategy for this because I had never played this before, and I hoped that I'd be okay. I also saw some people licking the needle, so I did that as well. In addition, I spit on the lines of the triangle and let it settle for a bit. Poor Gi-Hun had a guard hovering over him the entire time, and Sang-Woo had gotten his out before me. He had already moved back to the room... or wherever they were going. I decided that I didn't want to go just yet. I would wait. Maybe help-


   The ear-splitting sound of a gunshot rang out. I heard whimpers and fateful cracks. More shots came. finally stopped.

    My eyes searched the crowd until I could see Gi-Hun. He was sweating uncontrollably. I wish he would look over here. More shots.

    I saw him sweating so much that it dripped down off of his face, and then his stressed expression contorting into a questioning glance. I tilted my head wondering what he was doing. He started licking the honeycomb.


     He licked it like a dehydrated dog lapping up water. I got a little second-hand embarrassment from how... crazy he looked.

    I saw more people looking at him like me, so I kind of looked away, hoping they wouldn't associate me with the seemingly unhinged man. Curiously, they hopped on the bandwagon. Quiet slurps filled the room.

    Whatever floats their boat...

    I waited until the timer hit 0:05 to get up to show my shape. I had been hiding it and just chilling over here and enjoying life.

     I got up from my placement on the far side of the room and walked to the nearest guard.

    "Excuse me," I said sweetly.

     The guard turned around and looked at me expectantly. I smiled and held up my triangle.

    "Player 055, pass."

    My smile grew wider, and I looked at Gi-Hun. He had gotten his shape out!!! I almost squealed from happiness. He noticed me, I and I gave him two thumbs up. He looked equally as happy.

     "Player 456, pass."

     He almost started to cry out of relief, and I was very happy for him.

     A voice then told us that we successful players should be escorted back to the rooms before elimination. I waited for Gi-Hun to be done before I started to move. I stopped when I heard a guard's distorted voice.

     "Move your hands."

      The player was crying and shakily let the guard see what he was hiding. The guard straightened, and he got out his gun. Before he could shoot, the player pounced on the guard making him misfire, and I think he stabbed his mask with a needle. I don't know if it actually got the person under the mask, probably not, but he was still in the ground and screaming in pain. This would lead me to assume that yes, the needle had hit skin, but it seemed too tiny to get through the mask and hit the person underneath while still having that much of it sticking out. The player got the man's gun and waved it erratically until shooting the nearest square mask in the arm.

    He went over and turned him around to have the square in his arms helplessly. The guy now had a gun to the square's head. I wondered if it was the one we saw in our room all the time. Probably not. The player was yelling while crying out in desperation. His hand was shaking intensely. All of the soldiers in the back row then turned around, and they aimed their guns at the players. This scared me, and it seemed like my life flashed before my eyes. What if they thought I didn't pass?

     They let all hell loose with their shots. I fearfully stood there, and nobody had ever aimed at me. I was the only one left standing. They all turned back around. Little did I know...

      (An event in third person perspective)

      The Front Man stood there, watching everything going on. He was about to walk off and step in to fix all of the madness unfolding. Before that, he held something to his mouth.

      "Get rid of the ones who lost. Leave the American girl alone. She passed."

      He took it from near his face and watched as his orders were carried out. She was left unharmed, and now it was time for him to come to the rescue.


     The rogue player demanded that the guard remove his mask, and of course, the guard had no choice but to oblige. He was at gunpoint. He removed his pink hood and unclipped his mask. Then, he took off the black hood underneath the pink one.

    "T-turn around, okay?" 

      He complied.

    "You're just a kid... what did they do to you?"

    He stared at the young boy, and I was compelled to come closer to the action. My feet brought me to where I could see the player's next move. I saw a guard throw a side-glance at me, but surprisingly, he just looked back to the scene in front of him and don't care. How odd.

      The man then pointed the gun at his head and shot. He fell to the ground dead.

      I saw a black-clothed figure come through the door. The guy had a very different mask than the other guards. He looked elegant. I felt a sort... of attraction to him. Even his voice... so deep and calming.

    I was staring and then I noticed that he was looking back at me. I blinked. He seemed to stare at me equally as much. He shook his head gently and kept on walking towards the now unmasked manager. He got a gun out and shot him as soon as he turned around.

    "Remember, once they find out who you are, you die." He gave me a long last look before signaling to a few triangle masks. "You, get the girl."

    He walked forward slowly in his intimidating stride, and everybody was following behind him except for the few guards he just spoke to. They walked towards me, rifles in hand, and tried to grab me. Before they did, I backed up with my hands in the air at about ear height.

     "Hey, woah, I'm going. I won't do what he just did."

    I gave them a forced smile and walked in front of them. I didn't hear them follow. I looked back and they were just standing there, confused.

    "He said to bring me back to the room, right? Come on," I motioned for them to follow me, and they finally got their act together enough to comply.
I'm mostly thinking about the man in the mask... who was he?

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