Part 56:

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(Y/N's POV)

It was inevitable that I saw much more brutality as the game went on. Through the glass, I saw the same man who killed the girl with the silver key shot down by the staff member on the left side of the door for trying to give them the incorrect color. If you're wondering how I could see it from all the way over here, we, In-Ho and I, had two different options to see other parts of the field. One was to simply move along the wall, getting different vantage points via the other panes, but another was to use an electronic tablet we were both given to scroll across the room. Each "window" had a camera over it, giving the same but higher view to the VIP's that we were allowed to see in person. Speaking of that... I dreaded them coming here again.

Right now, I saw something that was rare in this game. It was two people working together, and they were not trying to stab each other in the back. Based on their body language, I could tell that neither of them wanted it to come down to them or their partner, but I didn't know exactly what they'd do if it did. They were both scouting the trees, keeping close by one another. Their tracksuits nearly blended in with the scenery, but I could see their movements pretty clearly. They didn't know that their actions were more than likely futile, and that was because the girl before them had already looked through both of these trees.

The clock was now at 17:46, and the duo in front of us had only just realized that there was a path of dirt missing where the girl had found the silver key. They stood over the hole, pondering what it meant.

"Somebody already found a key in this area," the one with longer hair said, pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah. That means that there's more than likely not another here." He looked up at his friend. "We should go somewhere else."

The first man nodded, and turned to walk closer to the back of the room. My eyes followed after them, watching the only people in sight leave. Now it was just going to be boring if there was nobody else taking up the place of the two that just left. I looked towards In-Ho, who looked back at me when I turned. I smiled at him and then looked down at my lap to my hands and the tablet.

(Salesman's POV)

I had actually bought influence with several workers thus far. I had no use for more than a few circles because what could they do? I had a couple of triangles loyal, but squares were much harder to buy or convince. Circles actually had morals, soldiers had bloodlust, and managers had dignity, respect, and authority, hence why they were not the easiest to sway. I had power over one worker, five soldiers, and no managers. It maddened me that I couldn't seem to break through the tighter circle of power here, but I would find a way eventually... I was already concocting a plan, and it surely had to work. If all went swimmingly, then I could rehash my plan from the night before.

"So, do you need me to repeat what you are to do?" I asked, taking a sip of the wine provided. My room didn't have its own mini-fridge of liquor as I'm told that the Host and Front-Man have, and that in itself made me even more desperate for everything to go to plan. If this worked, I would definitely have one to myself.

"No, sir. I got it."

I looked at the pink-clad staff member with a rifle resting in his lap. He was sitting on a chair opposite me in my smaller-than-Y/N's-room. Another soldier was beside him, preferring to remain standing, and he was there only because I asked for one more soldier to listen to what would happen. Hopefully, if the first was incompetent in some way, this one would swoop in and do the job that he couldn't.

"I'm sure you know what is at risk if you screw up. You'd be killed, tortured, worse..." I swished the alcohol in my glass, feeling the the main villain in a big movie. "I'm sure they'd find a way to know the names of your family, yes?"

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