Part 61:

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(In-Ho's POV)

I had gotten her the first aid kit, and she was sitting up against her headboard of the bed. I sat down next to her, making sure to keep a good bit of distance, and turned to her. I opened the box, surveying what it had in stock. It had a cold pack, and that took me back to the night that she cared for me as well. She placed it on me in such a caring and gentle manner.

I popped the little packet of chemicals inside like the instructions said, and it reminded me of how surprised she was when it was so easy to do. I felt it drop in temperature, and I reached to put it against the left side of her face. She turned to make it more accessible since I was on her right. She looked down, not wanting to meet my eyes. I don't know why, but she looked so pretty with her lip bleeding, which is such a weird thing to say and think. I wanted to push it out of my head. I told her to hold it herself so I could clean up her lip and forehead, and she complied. I reached for something to clean up the blood dripping down her chin, then I gently wiped away the liquid. She looked at me now with sad eyes. They seemed wet and brighter in color than usual. Before I could pay more attention to them, she looked down again.

        Since the cut was just on the outside of her lip, I applied an antiseptic cream to it and got a cold towel for her to put on it. It didn't seem to hurt her as much anymore, and she let the compress fall after a bit of holding it. It was looking better though. I next moved to her forehead, cleaning up the wound and applying the same antiseptic cream. I took the towel from her and placed it now on her head. She seemed to not be paying attention to anything at all, and it rose concern in me. I knew she might have a head injury more significant than a little cut, and I knew I'd need to call the doctor to come over soon. She could have a concussion or some kind of damage, and since she was bleeding, that means I should avoid giving her pain medicine.

       "I'm sorry, Y/N, but it would be best if I didn't give you any medication right now because of your head," I started. "I know you're hurting right now."

       During my dialogue, she flicked her eyes to me and from me and every other way. It made me think that a concussion was likely. She also appeared to not like the light in the room, so I offered to turn it lower for her. She nodded but stopped quickly because it hurt her.

       (Y/N's POV)

       I felt as though I was still in shock from the events of today. My head felt like there was a pressure in it that wasn't there before, and I couldn't focus on anything at once. In-Ho was being abnormally sweet to me, and I guess it was because I had literally almost... you know. He tended to me with such care, but I mostly refrained from looking at him. It hurt every time he touched a spot where I was injured, but I didn't complain. All I could see was that man on top of me with that horrible look in his eyes.

He sat next to me, having finished his first aid routine, and I looked at everything remaining in the kit. There was a decent amount of items in there, but of course, I didn't need anymore. I could feel my left hand dropping in temperature from the cold pack I held to my cheek and the dissipating ache in it. I lowered my hand, letting it fall into my lap. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw In-Ho with a smartphone in hand, dialing a number. He held the phone to his ear and gave the other person little information.

"I need you over here again as soon as possible. Be at the shore in 10 minutes."

He then hung up, giving them no time to respond. He sighed, putting his phone down. I brought my knees to my chest and stared at them because I didn't know what else to do. My mind simultaneously hurt, wanted rest, and ran images through my head that I didn't want to see. A tear tan down my cheek, and I placed my head on my knees, willing myself to not cry in front of the man next to me. He noticed, though, and put a hesitant hand on my arm. He rubbed his thumb back and forth soothingly before letting me go. I looked at him briefly, and he was looking at me with visible concern. I exhaled and sat up.

        "I..." I tried to find the right words. "I'm sorry you have to take care of me."

      I was too ashamed to look at him, but he seemed completely unbothered by me.

      "Don't apologize. You've done the same for me."

       I looked at him again, this time holding his gaze. He seemed to be communicating the gratitude he felt for me that night wordlessly as he probably didn't want to say how he felt. I forced a small smile. I just felt like I couldn't be happy right now. How could I after what I just went through? Thinking that, I also felt like I was overreacting about this, even though that's something that I shouldn't be feeling. But, a tiny part of my mind was screaming at me, saying that I should be over it by now because he didn't get to go all the way and because I couldn't change what happened. I knew that, but it still hurt to remember.

        I hadn't realized that I started crying. In-Ho knew before I did, and opened his arms for me with a blank face. When I saw that, that's when I felt the liquid running down my face. I wiped it away harshly and didn't care about the pain that came from my motions. I went over to him and fell into him. His strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me into his warmth. I let my head rest on his shoulder and inhaled the expensive cologne he used. It calmed me down, and my cries died down along with my thoughts. I felt relaxed, and I didn't want him to leave any time soon.

        (In-Ho's POV)

       She was so warm when she was in my arms. As soon as I offered her the embrace, she took it. I was completely unsure about doing that, but I was reassured as soon as I felt her body against mine. It felt so... different, and I had a feeling throughout my body that I wasn't familiar with. I wanted it to continue and stop at the same time.

        I heard that she wasn't crying anymore, and I was relieved. I didn't like to see her cry or hurt ever, and if she hadn't already killed the guy who did this to her, I would have. With that being said, I needed to go pay a visit to the guy who orchestrated all of this. It wasn't a coincidence that he drugged her the day before and now this happened. How could he be such an idiot? Obviously he could guess that either I, Il-Nam, or Y/N would find out, and I'm sure as hell glad it was me. I wouldn't let him off so easy.

         Remembering that I had a girl in my arms, I started rubbing her back slowly with both hands, hoping to make her feel more comfortable. Her breathing became slower and more steady, so I kept up what I was doing. Running my hands up and down on her shirt created a pleasant warm and fuzzy feeling within them. She felt soft even beneath the fabric, and I had to look off to some other parts of the room as a distraction from her. I felt her warm breath on my neck and some of her skin resting on part of my collarbone that was exposed after taking off my coat.


      I figured that she fell asleep after about 5 minutes of laying down on me. My mind was vacant and empty, devoid of any thoughts as I only could focus on the feeling of another person's weight on me. My head was now on hers, and she snores lightly. It could barely be called snoring. It was more like audible inhales and exhales. She seemed so peaceful, and I dreaded the thought of having to wake her up when the doctor came. It was only then that I even remembered that you're not supposed to let a person with a head injury fall asleep.

       With that, I gently shook her and whispered her name.

        "Y/N... Y/N, wake up."

        She didn't move or stir. I rose my volume a little and called her again. This time, she moved her head. I then sat her up, and her eyes opened. She rubbed her eyes and let out noises of protest to being woken up.

       "I'm sorry, but the doctor will be here soon, and you need to be checked out. Come on," I said.

       She put her hands down onto her lap and looked down, pouting cutely from coming out of her slumber, and I moved to pick her up. She latched on to me like a child, laying her head in the crease of my neck and wrapping her legs around me. I held her and walked her to her wheelchair.

Original Publish Date: October 12, 2023

      This story now officially has 100,000 words! Crazy.

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