Part 64:

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       (⚠️Italics are a dream/memory of what happen to Y/N If you are sensitive to that, go to the paragraph starting with "the scene" that is in italics)

(Y/N's POV)

       He pried my legs apart and got between them, standing up straight, still holding my thighs. He ran them farther back, groping my ass just as he did my boobs. I whimpered quietly, close to crying from something other than my injuries. I watched intently as his black bangs hung over his eyes as he looked down at my body and how his discarded hood rested on his shoulder blades. I couldn't bear it anymore, and he moved his hands to the waistband of my pants. I almost screamed, and I didn't want any part of this. I wanted this to all be a nightmare. A terrible, terrible nightmare that I would wake up from at any second. But I knew that my hopes were unfounded.

Pulling my waistband down, it revealed my cotton f/c underwear. More tears fell from my eyes, and my head went back. I shut my eyes, hoping that I would be saved by something, anything, but I wasn't. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me farther from the counter, my thighs now hanging off of it and my neck having the support it needed. He exposed my stomach by pulling up my top, and I started crying more. I let out quiet sobs as he yanked me up roughly by the back of my neck and tore my shirt off of my body, the ripped (color) article of clothing was discarded to the side, and I followed it with my eyes. It landed less than gracefully, but it still gave me a distraction from my reality. All that was covering my body was my f/c undergarments.

I reluctantly looked back at him and he was staring down at my chest with a hunger in his eyes that made me sick to my stomach. He wrapped his arms around me and pushed me with his hips and his arm strength back onto the counter, this time not on an angle, causing my head to hit something. I made no verbal indications, and I instead arched my back and neck to see what it was. I saw the top of a black metal box. It was the mini-fridge.

       The scene then flashed to seeing him dead. I still held the mini fridge, but I threw it, letting it bang on the ground. I then got on my knees and crawled towards him. His skull was dented in, and I gasped. Blood seeped from the wound, more than I had ever seen, and pooled around him. I looked at my legs and hands. They were covered. The blood was spreading fast, too fast, and I was covered. I looked at the man, moving closer against my will, and his eyes snapped open, frightening me. He gripped my arms and pulled me down.

         "It's your fault! This is your fault! You stupid bitch! Killer!"

         And I woke up. I was gasping and trying to find a steady rhythm of inhaling and exhaling, but I couldn't. I feared that In-Ho had heard me and woke up from all of the commotion, but he was nowhere to be seen in my bed. I missed him dearly and, as much as I didn't want to admit, I needed comfort right now. I checked the clock next to my bed. 1:34 AM. He must be in his room, right?

        With a whimper, I stood up and walked unsteadily across the hallway and through the main room to his room. I knocked. No response. I bounced on one foot impatiently. Nothing. I looked towards where the setting of my dream was, and I pushed the door open. I just looked inside, but I couldn't see anybody. He wasn't here. I sighed in disappointment and started walking to the door.

        (In-Ho's POV)

         Workers had to come clean up the scene, and I specifically instructed them to not let the testicles get thrown away. There were to be stored in a jar and put in a room, I didn't care which. I also told them to not tell Il-Nam or Y/N about this because I wanted to tell them myself. I wouldn't not tell them about this, I just didn't want it to come from somebody else other than me because that may be very bad.

        I turned the corner to the last hallway leading to my room and saw a figure. It was Y/N. But it was almost 2 in the morning, what is she doing out here?

      I quickened my pace and walked towards her. She turned around, and her eyes softened when she saw me. She looked teary-eyed and shaken up. I hoped nobody else had tried anything, but that wouldn't make sense. The culprit was dead, and he had named everybody who was on his side in exchange for a few less methods of inflicting pain upon him.

She ran into my arms and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back of course and rubbed her back soothingly. I had my mask back on, might I add because I wouldn't just be walking around the facility without it. However, I did have it off for the dusty im of when I was in the room.

She cried quietly, and I could feel my chest constrict. I picked her up about a foot off the ground and let her rest on my shoulder while I brought her back into our room.

I lay her on the bed, but she still held onto me.

"Please stay... and don't leave me this time..." she pleaded.

I felt like my heart broke yet again, and I sighed before sliding into bed with her. Thankfully I didn't have any blood on me because I was mostly cleanly while I was in there. She latched onto me, burying her head in my chest. I reached up and stroked her (hair type) hair. She seemed soothed, and I was happy about that.

"What woke you up so early?" I asked softly.

She shook her head and came an inch closer to me. I rested my head on hers. She inhaled deeply like she was trying to calm herself down.

"Nightmare..." she whispered.

I sighed and held her close while I kept petting her head.

"I'm sorry princess..."

She relaxed, and I felt better because of that. She then angled her head up a bit under my chin.

"Where did you go?" She wondered.

I couldn't tell her right now. Not when she was clearly upset, but I weighed the pros and cons in my mind for a second just in case there was some redeeming factor that I would get from telling her right now. As my initial thought said, there was none, so I just shook my head subtly.

"I'll tell you tomorrow."

She didn't necessarily seem to like my answer, but I knew she wouldn't because she's pretty impatient. If she wants to know something, she wants to know it, and she hates if she doesn't. She'll just have to wait this time.


I stayed with her the full night this time, and she fell asleep before I did.

Original Publish Date: October 25, 2023

     A/N: I saw somebody on a wattpad book I was reading rate people's reading list names... yall I kinda wanna do that! Okay, so after the next chapter, I will post screenshots of the reading lists this story was added to, and I will of course blur out names and profile pics! Love you guys 💙

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