Part 25 (sorry for the delay):

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Hey guys! I'm back. I apologize, but the musical that I was in was very time consuming regarding practice. They basically required us to stay every day (for about two weeks) until 10 pm or so. I had absolutely no time whatsoever and I needed even more time to recover. We had 4 total shows, and they were all absolute successes! They were great, and honestly, I feel kind of sad it's over. I hope to gradually, or quickly, get back to my usual posting schedule. Anyways.... On with the story!

⚠️ Slight TW!⚠️ Small amount of drinking

(Y/N's POV)

"How do you deal with them?" I asked.

Il-Nam seemed to know exactly what I was talking about. He leaned farther back into his soft chair, still locking eyes with me. I waited patiently for his answer.

"You must," he started, pondering which words would come next. "...give them what they want."

I tilted my head.

"What exactly do they want?"

I sat up in my chair and leaned a bit closer, intertwining my hands. He smiled slightly.

"My dear child. They want entertainment."

Il-Nam put his hands on his knees and pushed himself upward, making a soft grunt in the process. He subtly rolled his shoulders back and he turned around to walk deeper into the room. I stood up and followed him slowly.

"Remember what I told you about life holding no joy when you get wealthy enough?"

I nodded even though he could not see me.

"Well, they are in the same situation." He turned to me. "This is the most enjoyment they have. These games. The ones that you now run."

He walked to me with a gentle smile on his face and put his hand on my shoulder.

"You need to make the games better than they can imagine, and then, there will be only praises. They will not bother you as much."

I contemplated his words. All I need to do is entertain them. Then, they'll leave me alone...

"I understand, Il-Nam."

He removed his hand from me after patting my back lightly. He started walking back to the door.

"You're a smart girl, Y/N."

He opened the door for me, like the gentleman he is, and offered me a goodbye before my departure. Upon hearing the door open again, the Front Man had approached the threshold to escort me back. I exited his room and waved to him. He grinned and shut the door.

Wordlessly, the Front Man started walking in quick strides. I groaned and walked behind him. I practically had to do the splits while walking in order to keep up with him.

"You really need to slow down," I complained.

He complied, and changed to a pace only a degree less, but it was enough for me to be in at least a 5 foot range of him.



The Front Man finally stopped in front of a door. I sighed in relief. Finally.

He looked up, and a red light passed over him, ensuring he was supposed to be there. Of course he passed the test, so we entered quickly. I went directly to the mini-fridge. My eyes landed on a bottle of whiskey. I grabbed it.

I pulled the cap off and smelled it. It did not smell very appetizing, but I have to do what I have to do.

I put it to my lips and drank. The taste stung my mouth and engulfed my taste buds in the worst possible way I could ever imagine, so I groaned slightly. Ew. Regardless, I continued to drink.

I was about 7 gulps in when the Front Man rushed over to me with heavy footsteps and snatched the bottle from me. I whined at the fact that he's treating me like a child. I threw my hands to my sides and clenched my fists.

    "Give it back!"

    He shook his head no and proceeded to treat the alcohol with more care than he treated me when viciously taking the bottle from my hands. I folded my arms over my chest. With a nasty glare, I opened the fridge again and retrieved another bottle. Making intense eye contact with him, I opened it and drank as much as I could before he would no doubt take it from me.

    My suspicions were correct, and he yet again grabbed the bottle.

    "You can't keep doing this! Stop acting like you're the boss of me. You aren't. You couldn't be even if you wanted to. Technically, you are my worker."

    I felt so uncomfortable saying that. I never ever wanted to put people down by stating my authority or use a position of power for personal gain, but this felt necessary. He had to be put in his place because I am a grown adult, who is old enough to drink, that can make her own decisions. Yes, he's probably older than me, but that gives him no reason to treat me like a toddler! It was infuriating.

     "I am not your worker," his baritone voice spoke smoothly. It sent slight shivers up my spine. Icy fingers brushed along my back and my confidence faltered.

    "Yes. You are."

    He stalked towards me. It seemed as though I was completely in his shadow as he looked down at me. I nervously rubbed my arms and tried to look at his eyes without fear. The scrutiny was unbearable, and I don't know why I even cared if he was acting this way to me.

    "You're acting like a child. So, why can I not treat you like one?"

    I furrowed my eyebrows and made a mad face at him. He could not call me a child. I was an adult. And I acted like one. He was just bringing out such strong emotions in me, and that's something I couldn't handle. He is something that I can't handle. I couldn't be near him right now.

    I broke eye contact and spun around to go to my room. I didn't look back, but I could feel his eyes on me. It was such an intense feeling, and I just wanted to get rid of it.

    I flopped on my bed. Ugh.

    I then looked at my phone.


    I grabbed it and dialed Il-Nam's cell.

   "Hello? Y/N?"

    "Hey," I started. "Can I come to your room to drink?"

      Original Publish Date: April 8, 2023

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