Part 12:

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    (A/N: I really hope u guys enjoy these chapters! I watched about 5 videos -like "Frontman Explained" etc-trying to get more info on his background, mannerisms, attitude, talking/walking style, etc. I have 2 pages of notes I made specifically for this next scene! You'll know why when you get to it.)


I tilted my head at his singular word but ended up slowly walking closer to where he was. I saw him settle back into his original comfortable position and sinking into the supposed softness. When I was in close proximity to him, I could see the silhouette of his face. His... beautiful face. Like... GODDAMN.

     My breath hitched in my throat as I sat down next to him. The couch was comfy, and I'm pretty sure that justified its certainly huge price tag. It was just the right amount of soft and firm. Kinda like a Goldilocks couch. Maybe that's what the brand was called. Goldilocks. The room was bathed in golden light. It seemed that everything in this room was just so heavenly and undeniably expensi-


    I looked at him. He still was not looking at me, but I could see half his face. Jeez, if he turned I would see the full face of the man that had enticed me from day one of me setting my eyes on him. It was a lingering thought, and I simultaneously hoped and didn't hope that he would turn around. The latter was true because then he would see me wide eyed staring at him. That would be creepy.

    "You can call me by my name, you know. I'm not really a player anymore."

    He sighed.

    "As you wish, y/n."

    Jesus. His voice. Oh. My. Lord. When he said my name, I got butterflies. His natural voice, even though the modifier still made it pretty hot, was so amazing. It was perfect. Just the right amount of depth, and he had a perfect tone. I could listen to his voice all day and all night. Imagine how good he is at reading bedtime stories... wait, that's such a weird thought. But can you blame me? God, this man had it all. He was blessed. Kissed by an angel. How could someone be so lucky? Rich, handsome, beautiful, classy, tasteful... the list never ends, it goes on and on and on and oNn~ (please tell me you know that song.)

    "And you?" I asked after calming myself down. My voice still betrayed me because I sounded shaken.

    When he finally turned to look at me, he had his mask already on again. I did feel a little disappointed because his secret still remained a secret, but then again it was early on. Maybe he wouldn't be so mysterious later.

    He did not speak. Instead, he just stared at me, seemingly wanting me to elaborate.

    "I mean... what do you want me to call you? What's your name?"

    He turned back around. He seemed to ignore me. There was a beautiful, lavishly designed glass decanter filled with amber liquid. He poured less than half into an equally luxurious glass. It was hard to believe that these beauties were sand in their last lives.

    "You may just call me the Front Man."

     I pouted a bit and sighed softly. I really thought he might at least give me a name. Even a fake one would be better than just "The Front Man". Like... I just feel like we should at least be acquaintances... maybe friends? Maybe... lovers-

    I was interrupted from my thoughts by him handing out a glass to me. It was the glass he had just poured. The golden scotch was still moving from the sudden motion of his hand, and I reached out to accept it. Our fingers brushed, and I got butterflies. I could see that his head tilted up slightly to look at me. Since I was feeling this way, I refused to meet his gaze. I kept my eyes trained on the glass I now pulled towards my body. The Front Man, as I'm supposed to call him, shook his head softly and turned back towards the TV. It showed the players still sleeping. It was definitely getting late.

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