Part 51:

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(⚠️TW: what's wrong with Y/N is revealed, and if you know you're sensitive to some things, then I recommend either not reading this or being very cautious with doing so⚠️).

        (In-Ho's POV)

        I've been by Y/N's side since she passed out. We were in a room with all different types of medical equipment and shelves stocked full of supplies. I called our doctor from the mainland a minute after she collapsed into my arms, and after that, I carried her bridal style all the way to this room. A manager spotted me on the way with a limp Host in my arms, and he jogged up next to me to ask what was wrong, and I did not answer. I only ordered the square to alert Il-Nam about the Host's condition and prepare a boat to sail to the mainland to transport the doctor now, and I spoke to nobody else on my way. I was eyed by multiple staff members, but I paid them no attention and hurried to my destination. All I looked at were the hallways ahead of me and my poor Y/N's face...

          There were two rooms like this one, both connected to each other and having another entrance. I brought her to the closest one and lay her down on the bed. She did not move, and I could only see the faint rise and fall of her chest. After I had her down, I pressed two fingers to the top of her neck to check her pulse. It was slow. Too slow. It concerned me greatly, but I knew that Dr. Ahn would be here as soon as possible. Still, I worried.

        Dr. Ahn had arrived at 9 pm last night, and he immediately began checking on her as much as he could when she was asleep. I observed everything quietly. He also seemed to notice her heartbeat, and he commented on it. I still stared at Y/N. She was pale and so calm. Had it not been for me seeing her fall, I would think she was asleep. She looked peaceful.

        When he was done his examination, Dr. Ahn got off of his position on one knee and stood up. He walked to me.

       "I have my suspicions on what is going on, but I need you to recount everything you observed of her before she passed out."

      I stared at him and then the ground, thinking of everything that happened. I turned my back to him, and I started pacing as I recalled the night's events.

      "We went to the dinner with her predecessor and the Salesman. She seemed okay before then. Depressed, sure, but it's only temporary as today was her first set of games. We got there, talked, ate, drank, and then it ended. She seemed to... hover by me as dinner ended, and I took her away quickly because..."

       I trailed off and looked back at the doctor. He was staring intently at me and gave me a look as if to say, "go on". I groaned and tugged at my hair for a moment.

      "I just wanted us to go back to our rooms. I had to basically... drag her back because... well, it seemed as though she... couldn't... walk on her own."

      My speech slowed as all of these realizations hit me. If only I had noticed them earlier, would this have happened? How could I just ignore that she needed assistance walking? I know I was jealous, but was I really so... dense?

        "I didn't notice that before... and when we got back in our room... we... well... we, uh, just did some things that were not inappropriate... and maybe, looking back, she didn't exactly seem like herself...she fainted in my arms."

         He nodded and seemed as though he was thinking.

      "As she is unconscious at this time, I need your permission to do some tests. Tests that may reveal what happened, and if they do not, we will have to further test her when she wakes up. Whenever that may be..."

      I stared at him in disbelief as he added the last sentence. I never wanted anybody to see me as anything but the picture of intimidation, but here I was... worrying over a girl.

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