Part 11:

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    YE- I mean BOOO. Ugh. I'll have to work with this woman.

"...but I have some conditions."

Il-Nam nodded like he expected it and asked her to proceed.

"I don't want to be the one personally eliminating players. Basically, I don't want to kill anyone... unless I absolutely have to."

What a kind gir- I mean what a horrible, cowardly girl. She doesn't deserve to run the games. She'd have to kill somebody at some point.

"Of course. I'm sure the Front Man will take care of any possible issues that would have to result in that outcome."

"I'm assuming that's you?"

She turned to look at me. My heart- I mean, ew, I threw up in my mouth. I nodded.

    "Okay. Well... the next is that I want a phone and somewhat of an allowance. The phone so I can keep myself occupied when I have time off, and the money so I let the staff know things I need and them to be able to bring it to me."

    "Well, of course. We'd be happy to supply it to you. This job does offer a great deal of monetary gain, Y/N."

    "Okay. That's all I wanted to ask for."

    Il-Nam groaned as he got up from his chair.

   "Well, y/n, you'll start today. For now, you'll not have a 'uniform'. We'll have a stylist make about seven, so you can wear one for one day each and wash them all at the end of the week. More will be prepared so you will have either a more vast selection or more variations of a certain outfit you take a liking to. As soon as the first one is done, we'll have it sent to your room. Along with a mask, just in case you need it or you decide to wear it full time."

    She nodded and rose as well. I did the same.

    "We're proud to have you on board, y/n."

     He gave her a hug. When they were done with their embrace, I walked by her and stuck out my hand. She looks at it before quickly putting her hand in mine. Even through my wrist length black gloves, I felt something...

   (Finally back to Y/N's POV)

     As I gripped his hand, I felt something. No, not the material of his gloves, but I just feel a warmth going straight from my hand to my cheeks. There were lingering moments as our hands touched, and I started to feel ever more heat in my cheeks. I was blushing. Maybe it wasn't too obvious though. I hope so.

I pulled away and put my hands behind my back while tilting my face down a bit. Il-Nam gestured for me to follow him. We went out the door that I assume they came here through.

     "I wonder what will happen when my team finds out I'm missing..." I thought out loud.

      "They care for you a great deal. I'm sure they will worry," Il-Nam responded.

The halls were bright, colorful, and confusing. I was sure we were lost, but Il-Nam assured me that he was familiar with the maze, and someday, I too would know how to get wherever I needed to go. I don't know why it was just so extra. I guess if players tried to escape, they couldn't. I mean, it's kind of like security. Security that newcomers can't bypass...


Il-Nam showed me around the place. The Front Man was there too, but he hardly spoke. It was extremely awkward just having someone hovering next to me, but the tour had already ended. To be honest... nothing stuck, but Il-Nam had said that I can just follow the Front Man around until I'm acclimated... which I'm sure will be never.

The room I was supposed to be staying in was in the Front Man's area. I had already seen the place, but of course I still couldn't tell anyone that. I wouldn't bring it up again if I didn't have to.

The living room was still as luxurious as when I had first seen it. It still had the huge couch and completely enormous TV. There was also a bar and a mini-fridge. How could people who were rich get tired of their life?

The Front Man had followed me in, of course. I had been so caught up in admiring the view for more than a quick second that I had forgot he was standing right behind me. However, he didn't take the great opportunity to scare me, accidentally or purposefully, and he just walked by my left.

I looked at his formal walk.

"I know I asked before, but I wanna know if you answered me honestly," I said before I started walking in his direction. "Are you okay with this?"

He studied me for a second before the modified reply came out.


I looked at him for a minute. He seemed... tense. Maybe he didn't like me?

"You seem like you don't like me. If that's the case, then I could just tell the Host- well, the old host, to get someone you'd prefer working with and put me back in the Games. Or to just leave you to your own devices. I'm sure you're perfectly capable."

There were just awkward moments of silence. It drew on for a long time and the feeling of eyes on me was just making me very self conscious. I swayed a bit and looked down slightly. I heard a sigh. He then promptly walked to the couch and sat down. I watched as he made himself comfortable.

Now I just felt intrusive. It feels like I was just a lost puppy following him everywhere. It didn't even seem like he wanted to work with me. I was invading on his private time. He shouldn't have to deal with me, I'm so annoyi-

"Y/N," his unfiltered voice called.

I had ceased to look at him, and now I could see perfect, slicked-back black hair. I looked away again. It seems like I wasn't meant to see that. He appears to be the more private and closed off type of person.

"I can tell you're not looking."

I looked back up to see his head slightly looking in my direction. I still couldn't see his full face, but if it was anything like the parts I just saw... I can't live with this man. I would be constantly nervous.

"And now you're staring," he said cooly. "Sit."

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