Part 6:

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We went back on the same yellow lift we came up in. A guy that was on our team was on his knees and mumbling prayers. I found it endearing that even though he was having a hard life, and in here period, he was praying. The new girl, 240, was making fun of him until Sae Byeok told her to stop it. I wouldn't voice my opinion because I didn't want Sae Byeok to be mad at me for talking after she told us all to be quiet, and they all had stopped talking anyways. I hope that the tension between the two didn't escalate to a point where I couldn't calm them down.

It was funny because the left tower seemed to be where the winners were. Both teams that lost played on the right tower. I wonder if that's how it would play out later on.


We walked back into the main room and headed to our usual spot. The tough gang was there, laughing mockingly. They talked about the old man, which honestly really pissed me off. I was going to give him a piece of my mind but then decided against it. It would only make me and the old man a target. They eventually stopped to turn at us and looked at us enter with death stares.

We all sat down facing the middle of the room, and Mi-Nyeo, which we learned was 212's name, was gushing about how cool it was to play that game.

"Y'know what, I really thought that we were going to die out there. And then, soon as we all leaned back, I felt SO powerful like 'woah it works? Is this real?'" She babbled. "Hey old man, how'd you know that?"

"As a kid, I would always-" he started, but then got cut off by 212 pointing at him and starting up again.

"Ohhhh! You copied that one thing... from that movie! What's it's called? Uh... the guy! He dodges bullets like this, right!" She waved her arms obnoxiously.

"Matrix!" Ali guessed.

212 stopped her display and turned to look at him. She laughed and put her hands on her hips while leaning in this direction.

"Hey, when you got to Korea, was all you did watch movies?" She taunted and waved her bare ear of corn around. I was about to tell her that wasn't nice, but she looked at Sang-woo. "And our man!"

She continued the rant with a deep, strong voice and imitated holding a rope.

"'Everybody! Three steps up when I signal!'" She gasped and covered her mouth like a fangirl. "Oh, my god, I CAN'T believe how cool that was! How did you come up with that under all that pressure?"

"Earlier, you were the one that said no," Ali piped up.

She looked at him, obviously knowing that she did. She made a lying face and used her corn to express her emotions as well. How silly.

"Yeah?" She remarked. "Was that what you heard?"

"You cried and said 'bUt tHaT's tHe eDgE, tHeRe'S nO wAy I'lL gO'. Like that," he recalled. His whiny face turning into a matter-of-fact face and tone made me burst out laughing.

As I let out giggles, everyone looked at me, and 212 stared at me angrily. I didn't stop laughing though. Ali looked at me and joined. He let out a few chuckles. She got even more irritated.

"Hey you! You got a visa? I bet you don't. You're an illegal alien," she pointed at Ali. She then moved her hand towards me. "You too! Where are you from, America? You spoiled little brat. You must've done something really bad to move from there to this hellhole."

"It was my own choice," I replied calmly. "And it's none of your business, but I'm not in debt like the rest of you guys. I just don't really have enough money for my liking."

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